Jupiter Dive 01-22-05 Sat

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I'm not unless somebody wants to "sponsor" me. :)
went diving off jupiter today....

1st couple dives were a little south around juno....vis wasn't too good...about 10' at best.... 72 deg

3rd dive a little more north closer to capt kirle (lemon shark dive) .... vis improved to around 25' and still about 72-73 deg.

looks like vis may have been getting better as the day went along...

i'll hope for the best for you guys...have fun...

went diving off jupiter today....about 10' at best.... 72 deg
Sweet.... :11:
looks like vis may have been getting better as the day went along...
That is what i think we all hope for :wink: Of course dying winds overnight might help and them coming out of the west too. They will pick up tomorrow evening, so lets hope it will be a nice day out max air 77F and sunny!
25' of vis. Mid sixties in the air and LOW 70's in the water. Well this is defintley winter diving. I just keep the thought in my head that this is a GOOD Spring/Summer day for our friends in the frigid north.

"Lemmons hear our call"... I think that is how Aquaman did it on the Superfriends League for Justice cartoon.. I was a little tyke then.. enoying a coke & dorritos for breakfast, in my captain america pajamas complete with footies that looked like red boots!

Ahhh youth.. no worries, be happy.

Wonder if I can get those PJ's in a 17" neck and 34" waist now? Hmmmmmmm

What happened to Rick?????????????????????????????
(to be improved as my memory clears)

I am sure that the other conchs would be posting here but as of 1030 Sunday they called me from BaitedStorms with many a "Woo Hoo" heard in the background and the phone got passed around like a highschool girl at a frat party. (for hand holding and tickling only... nothing naughty don't edit my posting)

The visibility was about twenty feet, the temp 73* at depth and almost zero current. First dive was on spadefish point. We saw.. spadefish(duh) and the ususal tropicals. There where some large tasty looking silvery powerful looking fish that I have not identified yet but I am thinking that they would haved tasted great with lemon and pepper.

The gal with the mini doubles saw a turtle and some other sea life that eludes me at the moment.

Lee (Hoya97) and I descended and seperated from the group and over the reef. Being the ever patient instructor that he is fell in behind me and allowed me to hone my ever exacting navagation skills. I swam us to the ledge, up and over then north, right into Baited Storm and Murphy286. Then along the ledge right to the divemaster.
I saw a really cool shell way under a ledge and started shimming back in there to get it. I started back in and noticed a large hole about three feet to the right of the shell. Then the large hole took a breath by opening and closing it's mouth. THAT'S a big damn moray and I am half stuck under this ledge.. I backed out using my hands and expertly silting up the whole area. I pointed to the hole and Lee looked into the snowstorm. We waited.. F.o.r.e.v.e.r. for it to clear and he saw the shell. He pointed to it and started to reach for it. I held on to his arm and pointed. The silt settled and then the cave took another breath. He took a picture, though again.. there was alot of stuff in the water.
His Suunto RGBM said.. times up at around :43 minutes. Of course my VEO 200 said.. "Keep on diving my battery is good for 100's of hours and I feel fine" though I was into high green with one little circle from getting into the yellow. This is where the wise old goats stop diving. (I am inbetween wise old goat and young kidd) but I decided to go with Lee and up we went.(those of you who understand the goat reference explain it to the others)

Dive 2. This was Captian Kirle. The briefing said the sand is at 80' and the ledge cuts out and back and can be tricky. There is another ledge at 55' that has lots of cool stuff. Lee and I opted for the 55' ledge. I remembered my great sand dive last visit to captian Kirle and the Sunnto and Lee where still not speaking to each other from the first dive. Our SIT was :43 min. Lee and I again hit the water and down we went. The group was around as we saw a few divers over the course of the dive but with the 20' vis they where there gone and back a few times. We saw a juvenile turtle that swam around a bit then swam off.. I am hoping that the pic lee got of him between us turns out with all the junk in the water. Love turtles. Lee expertly pointed out a yellow spotted ray in the sand. Many smaller tropicals and the favorite of west palm beach the black and white damsels chasing us off their porch. Those little guys are tough.

BaitedStorm saw a SHARK! She was very sure she saw it. She described it in great detail to Captain Paul and the Dive Master. They both said "Bull." Which was exactly what everyone else was thinking .. bull. Vickie said "I Swear" and then her dive buddy said.. "Well, I never actually saw it, but I am sure that she must have.." So in the end it was determined that the shark that BaitedStorm saw was indeed a Bullsh (ark).

The entire clan headed back to the Murphy's humble home and started drinking Tequila, Rum, Wine and Guiness those tales remain secret to only the conchs who were there.

I had two decent pretty much solo dives! Saw some fish on the first dive, and next to nothing on the second dive - particularly other divers! I hope to get out with them another time, but of course i also hope the viz picks up and to actually have an assigned buddy during these dives next time. Due to a 20min SI i didnt stay down long on the second dive :wink: What was up with the fog stopping us going out, severly cut into both dive and SI time? I enjoyed the usual dives and fun with the other Conchs when on the surface, just wish i had seen some of them down below.
I had two decent pretty much solo dives! Saw some fish on the first dive, and next to nothing on the second dive - particularly other divers! I hope to get out with them another time, but of course i also hope the viz picks up and to actually have an assigned buddy during these dives next time. Due to a 20min SI i didnt stay down long on the second dive :wink: What was up with the fog stopping us going out, severly cut into both dive and SI time? I enjoyed the usual dives and fun with the other Conchs when on the surface, just wish i had seen some of them down below.

Simon, sounds like sour grapes?

Wish I would've understood that you were out of bottom time, I could have come up a few feet and maybe you could have spent more time.....

I was a bit curious about the short SI also. Diving Nitrox, it was no big deal for me, as I still show virtually no nitrogen loading in looking at my profiles today from the computer.

And whadaya mean ya didn't see anything on the second dive? Didn't I point out a pretty good sized free swimming Moray to you?

And after looking at some video taken last year, yes, I did see a lemon shark... It was more a case of I saw all the remora that were trailing along side of it.. and saw more of a shadow of the shark. This was about a minute after we split up.. and since I had never a) seen a shark before and b) was a tad bit nervous, seeing what I thought that I saw and basically being by myself, wasn't quite sure that I had really seen it.

Just wish that I would have had somone nearer to confirm the sighting... and I was certainly not going to try and swim against the current to try and catch a better glimpse :crafty:

All in all, I had 2 nice dives. Being used to less than spectacular viz (being from the Northwest) I thought that I saw a lot of different life considering everything.

What I remember seeing (and can identify)

A large free swimming green moray eel.
Several Spotted eel (ribbon eel?)
2 very large logs (er, I mean barracuda) cruising with the current.
murphdiver286 dragging an awfully small bug out of it's hole. (that was cool to see!)
A lemon shark, with its armada of remora.
some funny looking thing swimming around in "in my captain america pajamas complete with footies that looked like red boots!"

(well, Eric, you brought that up)

Now I just need to learn all of the new fishies down here. I always was pretty good at identification in Washington and Canada!

Would I go out again with this outfit? Yes, as long as it was with a group like we had yesterday, which had lots of experience, if there was a longer bottom time (the DM kinda pointed me up at 45 minutes on the first dive, calling time) and a bit longer SI (although I show a 35 minute SI on my computer as opposed to Simon's 20 minutes).

1st dive 43 minutes max depth of 82 feet with a SI of 43 minutes. 2nd dive was 41 minutes max depth of 68'. The boat was right there and picked me up in minutes upon surfacing. I can't ask for more than that.

The delay in getting out was my falut as the departure time on the weekends are 0830 with a 0800 show up. I thought (wrongly) that it was 0830 show and 0900 go.

The mention of the fog was a joke that he made about the underwater visibility.

Even with tables at 81' you go from a G to a F in :41 minutes.. now if you wait for a whole 1:16 you can get to an E diver.

As far as no one wanting to dive with you.. well that is a personal thing you got to work out on your own. (grin) Chosing a buddy is the divers job to aggree to whom they are to dive with. I would not dive with an outfit that assigned buddies. I of course chose Lee.. knowing his experience I knew that I was good even if someone started dynamite fishing as he has been thhrough that before. Which is a tale he'll have to tell at our next outing.

Good dive for the winter. Can't wait for the summer and 80' vis.


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