Jupiter Dive 01-22-05 Sat

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Orlando Eric:
1st dive 43 minutes max depth of 82 feet with a SI of 43 minutes. 2nd dive was 41 minutes max depth of 68'. The boat was right there and picked me up in minutes upon surfacing. I can't ask for more than that.

The delay in getting out was my falut as the departure time on the weekends are 0830 with a 0800 show up. I thought (wrongly) that it was 0830 show and 0900 go.

The mention of the fog was a joke that he made about the underwater visibility.

Even with tables at 81' you go from a G to a F in :41 minutes.. now if you wait for a whole 1:16 you can get to an E diver.

As far as no one wanting to dive with you.. well that is a personal thing you got to work out on your own. (grin) Chosing a buddy is the divers job to aggree to whom they are to dive with. I would not dive with an outfit that assigned buddies. I of course chose Lee.. knowing his experience I knew that I was good even if someone started dynamite fishing as he has been thhrough that before. Which is a tale he'll have to tell at our next outing.

Good dive for the winter. Can't wait for the summer and 80' vis.


Well, I had a terrific time despite cold water, low viz & lack of lemon sharks. My first dive was sort of solo too- Simon & I had weight issues & had to go back to the boat for more. Simon, I though you & I would stick together but I lost sight of you when we rejoined the group- about the time I spotted the large nurse shark sitting in the sand, I think- I hung back a little watching him until he swam away. Saw several baracuda on that dive & the second but not much else- I was too busy peering off into the gloom searching for the illusive lemon sharks.

Second dive was with Jenny who swam me all over the reef & out onto the sand in relentless pursuit of sharks- we never found any but all that swimming sure kept me warm! The Temptation was a great boat to dive on- glad I didn't cancel out at the last minute, as I almost did. I hate to be on his "list" Jenny... :wink:

Post dive, we went to Vickie & Darrel's. It was quite a drive to get there & some how we lost Rick in all the traffic- he never made it. You were missed, Rick. We had a great time with lots of food, laughter, & good company. So much so that I wound up staying the night & most of the day today. Vickie & Darrel, you guys are terrific hosts- I felt so very welcome & comfortable- thank you so much! Next one will be at my house, as soon as the weather & the water warm up a little.
Well, no need to recap the dives for everyone; after a late start, we got in two reasonably good dives......probably the lowest vis dives I've encountered so far, so made a point of sticking close to Divemaster Jeff (?) and my buddies...thanks guys for hanging! First dive Jenny and I had the pleasure of visiting with a nice big (we estimated @ 4ft of shell) turtle; though I'm still bad at species id with turtles. On the second dive, Vickie got the luck of spotting not only a shark, but a bullshark to boot. Sorry I missed it sweetie!
Great weekend with the extended scubaboard family, as always!!! Thanks Colin and Kris for letting me visit with my favorite babies :) Thanks Vickie, Darrell and family for the weekend crashpad and especially all the food.....we bachelorettes don't get well fed very often!! Thanks to all for the ever present fun and good times.

And Rick.......I'm so sorry we lost you in traffic; we were hoping you'd pick up with the rest of the caravan as we had to stop at the grocery store for a few things......many many apologies! Next time we'll be sure to have all the phone numbers for everyone in case of such a situation!

So, when do we do it again!?
Well, what else is there to add? I had a blast. The people, the diving, the food, the conchs are the best! Most everybody I have dived with or met before, so meeting a couple new people is always a treat. Did you like your brownies?? OH, and thanks for getting the icing off my cheek. :11ztongue
Simon, sorry you feel so slighted, you were with us one minute, and gone the next, and I believe that was on both dives.
The barracudas were very big. I don't recall seeing that many large ones together on a single dive, I saw the one, then a short distance away saw another four, no, five, all of them well over 3ft. Other notables were the reef, four eye, and spotfin butterflyfish, porkfish, cottonwicks, doctorfish, french and grey angels, lots of blue angels, never did see a spadefish, a couple morays that had a speckled pattern different than what I am used to seeing... chain morays perhaps? Hmm, what else..yes the huge-O turtle, a nice cowrie and flamingo tongue shells, french grunts, tomtates, a couple smallish groupers, the bicolored damsels, and blue tangs.
I had a really fun time, and we need to do this again....Marvel, again am I forgiven for lying to you? :crafty:
Rick, good seeing ya again, glad to see ya didn't get seasick, so sorry you missed the caravan and the party.
I didnt mind the solitude, but i do like diving with a buddy, of course it takes two people to lose each other (or in my case 11 people and one person to lose each other), so i take on part of that by myself, if i had dove dry with doubles i would have been happier going solo. I guess i was a little pissed that on the boat when i asked about buddies i heard all had them. First dive i went down with Marvel, but i thought she might hook up with Jenny and Krista when we caught up with them. So i just hung out around the group and DM. Second dive you all just went deeper than i was willing to go on air with minimal SI time - or else i would have only had 10 mins BT @ 80+ft as seemed the case when the reef was 20-30ft below me and everyone kept going. I swam east and west to see if i could find anyone, kept east as the briefing said for the shallow stuff when i finally saw Jeff, but i was essentially out of NDL within a few minutes.

I did enjoy friday night and would have stayed saturday except i knew i wouldnt get much sleep before driving back to Orlando early in the morning so thought i should cut it short. Thank Darrel and Vickie for opening up your house and Eric for putting the dives together, i will try to make more of them next time and not be cheap and get air for both dives rather than only one! My fault on the buddy thing for not pushing more and for the NDL with an air fill. At least i have diving plans for the next 3 weekends and one week long set of cave dvies :wink:

BTW i felt like a fish out of water back in my wetsuit, took half the first dive to feel it back out after the DS.

have to see if i can get this drysuit under control and possibly use it on that trip, otherwise back to the wetsuit and simple diving. Would be ok with either time, and if you are thinking of both morning and afternoon i would be in for that as well - lets see about the weather though as time comes along :wink:

Hye just wondering what kinda drysuit you went with? I remember you telling on the phone that you were getting one a while back.

I just went with a DUI TLS 350, with the DUI actionware 150 series for 65+ water temps, best advice i could give, as i been diving dry now for 2 year's, is don't add to much air, just a pinch will keep the suit off you.

Enjoy your dive's !
What more can I add, seems everone or most of ya have already said it.
The dives in my book were awsome I dind't see a shark in full form but thought I saw a shadow of one swimming around but was too far for me to see.

I had one problem on the second dive, when I turned on my ari on my second tak it read 1000 psi OOps. either I have a leaky neck/valve, bad fill or it was opened and slightly drained. Thanks to Baitedstorm for letting me use your spare tank to do my second dive. I guess next time I will double check my tanks.

Vickie/Darrel thanks for letting me crash and stay over it was awsome, Marvel it was finally nice to meet you. and everyone else was good seeing you again.

Till next time
What an awesome weekend. Friday night everyone started rolling in for baked ziti and stuffed mushrooms (mmmmm). We all stayed up waaaay to late sitting around laughing , BS-ing, and just catching back up. The morning came much earlier then any of expected. Big mistake on the arrival time for the Boat, thankful Captain Paul was very understanding about Eric’s, oops I mean “our” mistake... The boat ride out on The Temptation was a nice ride. Sea’s were calm and not to cold. As said before, the dives were awesome. I didn’t see a single stinking Spade fish out on Spade fish reef (Eric said he saw one, hrmmmmmm ). I did see a nurse shark one Dive one and some pretty big, thick, huge barracudas. We saw some nice size French Angels, and of course all the other normal locals hanging out. I’m not sure about what happened to your SI Simon, but my computer showed 48 minutes, did you stay down longer than me? Anyways, I did indeed see a bull shark, which I thought was the Lemon sharks we were hunting for. It took me a few seconds of just staring at this huge fish with several thoughts of “that doesn't look like a lemon shark to me” going through me head. I must admit, I was a little shaken at the size of him, just starring at me. I tried to get KBeck’s attention so she could see him too, I ended up squeezing her arm a bit to just kind of re-group myself. It was such a magnificent event. I looked for him the rest of the dive (I didn’t know he was a Bull shark at this point) I caught one other glimpse of him, while KBeck was hanging upside down, I tired to flip her in time to see him, but she missed him AGAIN. Even though the visibility wasn’t grand, I thought the dives were amazing. We had a fantastic DM/Instructor, Jeff, that said we were free to follow him or do are own thing. Gave a fabulous dive briefing with an explanation of how the reef runs and where to go to see what, and how to fix the problem should we run into sand. With his tips, we were able to go from sand (looking for the Lemons) to the reef with no worries. The boat “Temptation” was the perfect size for our SB group, complete with a very nice , never ending supply of hot water (some of us enjoyed it a little more than others) . Mike (first mate) stayed topside to help us on and off the boat, he’s a quite one, but was always there to lend a hand. I got a chance to hang out with Captain Paul on the ride back in. He, very patiently, let me pick his brain with a slew of questions I had., and gave me some great advice on where to dive. His service for the day was well above fantastic in my book. He likes to keep the dives fun and airy, but serious when comes to safety. I can’t wait to go back out with him and his crew.

Somehow on the way back to my place we lost Rick, sorry. He must have gotten caught in with all the ‘blue heads’. We had a little surprise party for CBulla who drove over with his family from Fort Myers. The weekend was absolutely wonderful. I got to meet some really great people for the first time, and even managed to land myself a week day dive buddy who like cold water even less then me (thanks Lee). It was very cool to walk out of my bedroom and see all my friends hanging out on air mattresses and couches, sleeping soundly. We have found ourselves very often these days, jamming a large group of people into small places, I think I speak for this entire group when I say, WE WOULDN’T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY!!
I’m a little sad sitting here at the computer with little evidence that the Conchs were even here. But, I know it wont be long before there’s something else that will have us all back together again. For those of you who didn’t/couldn’t make it, sorry, maybe we’ll see you next time.

I’m a little sad sitting here at the computer with little evidence that the Conchs were even here. -Vickie
Obviously, you haven't started the lost n found box yet... :wink:

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