Jupiter Dive 01-22-05 Sat

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I did! Simon is kindly loaning me one- just have to get Jenny to read her owner's manual so she can tell me how to use it...... :11:
when i knew for sure that i was going i was gonna give you one of mine...
Hey Ya'll~
I talked to Paul today, and he told me that the group that had the boat in the afternoon cancelled, so if anybody wants to make the afternoon dive, there is space available....
I would LOVE to do both dives, anyone else?
Grab for the Brass Ring!.. One spot on the 0830 Boat and now there is SEVEN (7) for the 1400 boat!

Canaveral Offshore Bouy says: 3.3' Wave Hieght, 3.9 Knot winds, Water temp 68*, Air Temp 61*.

So it is chilly but the seas are nice at 3'. We will just have to all cuddle under a big blanket and keep warm between dives. I think it is still a girl,boy,girl ratio on the boat!

WEll, heck yeah, I would love to do the afternoon dives also...
(whether I do them or not is another story)
Water Temp is 68°??? Brrrr. I am gonna freeeezzzzzeeee.
Anybody got a spare parka? I have been in Florida too long and got rid of all that cold weather stuff.
I already had seats on the afternoon. I have brought my 5mm (which is pretty much crushed to 3mm now) and hood so we shall see what that does. I took it into low-mid 60's last summer in CA, so lets hope for better now.

I left the house with all my gear this morning, but left behind my mask - doh, so turned around grabbed that, although i could have used my spare i would prefer the nicer one. I would love to dive dry tomorrow, but its just not wise to take my single tank rig out without some work on it first!

BTW, Krista, with that space on the AM boat, did you actually send through the reservation when it came up or not? Just wondering if we will get a mystery #13 diver booking last minute due to that space.

So who else is on for the afternoon? Jenny? Vickie? Darrel? Eric?

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