Jupiter Dive 01-22-05 Sat

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Simon, what makes you think I know how to use that thing? I just wear it so I look like a diver! LOL
Orlando Eric:
If anyone cares.. I like Fudgey brownies.. with chopped walnuts.. the best I ever had included expresso beans.. but I have never found the recipe.. or a match to the gal who made them.. grrrr..ooowwllll..
Ummmm, I like brownies too.....
Hey..... if we're putting in requests , I need a neck massage
Marvel i have a spare suunto mosquito - ask Jenny how to work it (and to tell me as i am still trying to figure it out).

That would be fantastc Simon- thanks! Guess Jenny's actually going to have to read the owner's manual between now & then.... :wink:
Ok i spoke to Becky earlier and she checked, she is on the AM boat on 1/22, so someone signed up on the calendar who isnt going on the trip, so someone wont be on our trip.

Mystery solved, guys. I'm the ding-dong who apparently can't work the computer properly....I registered but didn't complete the reservation. I've spoken with Paul and he says so long as you guys are ok with it, I can come.

So, can I can I can I??? I'll try not to smell too much, and I come with some killer hot chocolate......I draw the limit at brownies, however, as my cooking skills would kill small children. :)
Mystery solved, guys. I'm the ding-dong who apparently can't work the computer properly....I registered but didn't complete the reservation. I've spoken with Paul and he says so long as you guys are ok with it, I can come.

So, can I can I can I??? I'll try not to smell too much, and I come with some killer hot chocolate......I draw the limit at brownies, however, as my cooking skills would kill small children. :)
i may have to cancel anyway...i'll know this afternoon...

i'm pretty sure i will be going but if i have to cancel at least the boat will still be 'full'

i'll post as soon as i know so someone else can jump on...

there's plenty of room on the boat even when full....they don't book to capacity which is nice.

Well it looks like either Marcus or Jeff might not be able to make it - so we should still have a full boat - both of you keep us posted, we might be able to slip another one in if both of you cant make it.

So who has the brownies in hand?
Well it looks like either Marcus or Jeff might not be able to make it - so we should still have a full boat - both of you keep us posted, we might be able to slip another one in if both of you cant make it.

So who has the brownies in hand?
i'll let everyone know one way or the other this afternoon/evening....
Does anyone have a er , guess??? at what we can expect for H2O temps???
(for us newly-moved Floridians...)


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