issues with BP/wings

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UP & LY~
Don't you guy's just love KIDS who know everything!
They do not need to learn anything, They do not need to try anything, They know everything. Why is he even bothering with school?

They even know better than those of us who have actually tried and experianced these things.

I have a college age brother and he is just like this jonython kid,

"Brandon is that you?Get your butt back to class and leave the grown ups alone!"

Oh well guess that's not him.

Good luck guy's, Maybe one of these day's the crap "the experts" use, will teach them a lesson and just maybe they will try to learn of better things from better people. :boom:
sounds like a nice fun discussion.....

When a new diver (or even an experienced one for that matter) has shelled out a load of cash (or bent his credit card out of shape) they don't really want to hear "oi, you don't want that, you want this!" it can be kind of depressing.

But then the bull in the China shop approach does not work well either and is a bit like a red rag to a bull for the DIR brigade.

Evolution is a wonderful thing and I will be interested to compare rigs today with say rigs in 5 years, 10 years whatever time.

One question though - is there a code diagram or photo out there for how to do this single piece of webbing bit? I don't understand the Fundamentals book when it comes to that one - especially round the crotch strap bit? Still not sure I will be able to get into it that way (UP you may remember an earlier post about my lack of flexibility, I'm working on it but still stiff as a board!!) - but hey I won't know until I try....

Will still keep my BWOD for now as I don't believe that myth and so what if it gives me a fraction more drag (and I think we are talking fractions here).....

is there a code diagram

buggered if I know what one of them is!! Problem with doing about 5 things at once so I can get home for that beer....

Please replace the word "code" with good! Good diagram or photo?

Sounds to me like you don't need your SSI learners permit. You already have everything figured out. A vast amount of experience with 30 dives. A vast knowledge and experience with all types of equipment. Tell us more I am really interested in learning from you. Tell us about the different types of gear you have used in your 30 dives. Tried any surface supply stuff yet? Wish to make any comments on that type of gear? To use a famous quote"Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth". Put your learners permit to use and LISTEN(maybe even try to understand the concept) to Pug and Yooper, they have far more training and experience diving than you.
Have a Nice Day
I know I have a lot to learn from all of you guys.. that's why I'm here. In just the two weeks I've been lurking here, I've learned a tremendous amount, and I appreciate it.

Just because I'm a new diver doesn't mean I'm automatically wrong about everything. I'm trying to listen to why pug thinks I should go BP/wings, but he won't give any reasons. I see the advantages of the BP/wings setup, and, from what I've read, it doesn't do much for me that my current BC doesn't, especially considering an equivalent BP/wings setup would set me back $200-$300 more.

Like I said, I have no doubt that the next time I buy a BC, it will be a BP/wings setup, but I'll be buying a drysuit (it's cold up here), a computer, and a new regulator before that.

I'm quite positive that I'll be here asking for advice for each of those purchases :p
I think it has gotten to the point that the only way Jonny will see the diference is to actually try a BP/wing. Until then I don't think there is anything that can be shown on a message board to change his mind, that will have to be done by him using one for himself.
My, oh my, has this been a fun read. Jonnythan, you gots guts! From a guy in about the same place, here are my two bits... Is a BP and Wings better, yup (no, I haven't tried them yet so my opinion has definately been biased by UP and others.) Are they easier to get setup, I doubt it. Does everyone use them, nope. I think that you just jumped on 21% of the members of this board and got played with a little bit (and a vociferous bunch they are too!) Good luck. Glad to have you around. I look forward to some more good posts! Just curious, does that Tusa have enough lift for the cold waters in NY?
Originally posted by scubanole
Until then I don't think there is anything that can be shown on a message board to change his mind, that will have to be done by him using one for himself.
I am convinced that you are right....
Some folks can learn by the mistakes of others....
Some folks need to make the mistakes for themselves....
Some folks can make the mistakes and still not learn the lesson....

This is not to say that diving a TUSA is a mistake....
Nor is it to say that diving a bp/wing is the only way to go....
But the bp/wing offers advantages to all divers....

That aside, the failure in this respect is respect....
And a failure to understand because of that disrespect....
Reason is left behind in the rush to self advocacy....

Intellegent discussion is replaced with hyperbole....
Cogent debate is replaced with thinly veiled acrimony....
But Uncle Pug stills kicks once and glides twice...

May your air last as long as your dive :D

Or in my case as long as my drive :wink:

(air is for tires :eek:ut: )
thanks for that LY - pretty obvious when you see it like that (BTW the second link does not work - any ideas?). I was assuming that the single webbing bit included the crotch strap and that is what I could not get my head around.....

Do you use a standard Dive Rite type strap or is there a special GUE one?


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