issues with BP/wings

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Originally posted by jonnythan
Come on, show me the secret for the singles rig :mean:
Sure thing.... come on over.... btw: just went a on a dive today with a fellow using the same BC you are.... very sleek and stylish.... he bought it from Shane.... when Shane decided to go bp/wings.

*However*, it offers me nothing over my current rig.
How would you know since you have never tried the bp/wing.... Shane did and switched.

One more thing... (to quote you):
"(and you tried to emulate in point out the superiority of your Tusa)"
No need for non sequitur. I never said that, and you should know it. [/B]
One more thing... (to quote you): "I don't think I'm wrong on this one . It's far superior to the jacket styles I've worn"
To which I say: AAIA :)
Originally posted by pescador775
Jonnythan, you are debating with a guy who thinks that an eight inch diameter tank has insignificant drag
It does.
and, reversing gears while still in "forward"
I can... can you?
that a body hugging jacket with 1/2 lb buoyancy is a trim and drag problem.
It is.
If I could convince people in similar vein I wouldn't be hanging around this board. I'd be out making a million.
Well... if you got away from the keyboard long enough to go diving... especially if you came over and let me put you into a proper rig... then you could at least convinced yourself... :wink:
Originally posted by jonnythan
but for a lot of people, the gear config offers absolutely nothing beter than what they already have

This is a typical misconception from people who haven't tried it.

As always, UP is right :D.

(Preface in pescador's defense: Pug, even if you're speaking from experience, I don't care. There's no possible way that two to four 8 inch diameter tanks have no significant drag when compared to the human body itself. Moreover, even *if* there was no significant drag added, the sheer mass of these tanks doubles your inertia, making stops, starts, and turns require twice the energy exertion. For all pug knows about diving, he may do well to take a thermodynamics class :p)

Well, tell me guys..

What DOES the bp/wing system offer over my current setup?

Pug is telling me that Shane won't go back (good for him), and Yooper is telling me that obviously I just haven't tried it...

Yet none of you have been able to come up with even the smallest of reasons to give up my nice new Tusa and go with a system that will cost a significant amount more ($325 for the Tusa from an authorized dealer).

What's the deal? :jester:
"Non sequitar" means "does not follow"... So the fact that Pug ascribed a notion that was not initially meant... the comment "did not follow" logically. I can live with that. Even re-reading the post, I do not find the author was trying to prove "superiority".

Still, it all comes down to esoteric benefits... it's really hard to quantify some of this stuff. So you use what you are comfortable with. You may be comfortable in BP & wings... you may like a tech style BC. You may even like a jacket style BC... its still a matter of personal preference. If a BC is "too much" for you , than that is good enough for me. Just as anyone can call a dive for whatever reason, no questions asked, anyone can prefer another type of gear, no questions asked. Whatever works for you, works for you... circuitous logic at it's finest!
Originally posted by jonnythan
(Preface in pescador's defense: Pug, even if you're speaking from experience, I don't care. There's no possible way that two to four 8 inch diameter tanks have no significant drag when compared to the human body itself. Moreover, even *if* there was no significant drag added, the sheer mass of these tanks doubles your inertia, making stops, starts, and turns require twice the energy exertion. For all pug knows about diving, he may do well to take a thermodynamics class :p)
Well Jon... perhaps you need to take an English class...
I really don't want to get into words like *no significant*, *nonsignificant* and of course the one I used *insignificant*...
We'll leave that for your English teacher.

The idea of course (if you were able to follow the other thread from which this discussion arose) is that the delta d between a 8" diameter LP tank and a 7.5" diameter HP tank is insignificant compared to the total drag of the diver.

Oh... the mass of the doubles... you are right... it is greater than that of singles :wink:
And your proclivity for mixing apples and oranges is telling....
Not to mention the hilarious hyperbole: 4 LP tanks?!?!
Thanks Netdoc, I totally agree with you that it's a matter of preference.

Pug, you're compeltely avoiding the actual issue. Non sequitur means exactly what I think it means... "Straw Man" also means what I think it means, and you may well do to stop with that type of argument.. :wink:

(if you were able to follow the other thread from which this discussion arose)
That's so unnecessary. Don't be childish.

If a BP/wings setup works better for you, pug, I'm happy for you! However, you seem to believe a BP/wings setup will be better for *me* too.


On the other note., I'd really like to see your data on the drag coefficient difference between a diver with a single aluminum 80 on an Imprex Pro/Ranger/Whatever and a diver with steel doubles, an argon bottle, and a 36 lb Halcyon BP/wings setup.

I can pull out my old textbooks and calculate the Cd for a pair of steel tanks and an argon bottle.

Anyway, earlier in the thread, you said that an argon bottle adds "zero" drag. A canister light has "no drag. zero."

No offense, but..umm... right.

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