Wow.....what a DB
This is all well and good but the reality is that your numbers are incredibly inaccurate. Perhaps the math is correct but you have a sampling right now of 35 voters. I do not know how many visitors there are to the island each year but I would expect it to be in the 10's of 1000's. No matter what, this poll is nothing more than an indicator because certain members swear that you are guaranteed to get raped and beaten and robbed and mugged and any other form of crime the second you land on the island. There is crime on the island and nobody has ever disputed that. It is the fanatical and outright ridiculous (dare I say narrow mindedand blind as well) view that Bonaire is a crime riddles place and nobody should ever travel there because of it that people are disputing with this poll.
So, no need to dispute the statistical accuracy of a poll with 35 votes. It is only an indicator (at least in my opinion).
So, no need to dispute the statistical accuracy of a poll with 35 votes. It is only an indicator (at least in my opinion).
I hate to say it but using the poll numbers as of today and doing some statistical analysis coupled with probabilities the number are ugly.
Using those numbers there is a 3% statistical chance of being the victim of a crime on a 1 week stay on the island.
Doesn't sound too bad, except this is based on an exposure of 7 days (or a 1 week vacation on average)
You have to now convert this exposure to 52 times this to an annual number which brings the true number to 11% chance of being a victim of a crime. This shows the real number.
The numbers show its a higher than normal percentage of crime statistically lowered by low frequency of exposure. Increasing the exposure shows how what seems like a low percentage is actually an abnormally high one.
But what the hell do I know?
I don't have a dog in the fight but just like to have the facts acurately portrayed and then lets have the debate be based on the facts.