Who's to say this poll will be accurate and filled out only by divers who have visited and not by people that have a vested financial interest in Bonaire,i.e., travel agents, car rental agencies, condo owners, hotel owners and staff, dive op owners, Bonaire police, criminals and Gov people, and thier frinds and family? What weight do you give this UNSCINETIFIC POLL? I find it curious that some people, that claim not to have a vested interest in Bonaire, are very quick to discount repeated reports of crime on Bonaire but instantly embrace all the glowing reports of people that claim to have visited with no problem? Who is to say THOSE accounts are any truer than the reports of crime? Could they be friends or employees of people with a business there? Sure, it's possible. Who is to say that a person taking 20 tours there over a period of 15 years, with 15 people in the tour, that claim never to have a problem, is true and accurate? Is it possible some people had a problem but the tour person omitts telling us that? Possible.
If proof of a peron being a victim of crime on the island is required, why isn't the reverse required also? Either one coud be false, right? The person, or persons, reporting a wonderful, incident free vacation on Bonaire could be the criminals? Possible. Is it possible a person that owns a businees on Bonaire would get his friends and family members to post glowing accounts of a crime free Bonaire? Sure it is. Their livelihood is too connected to Bonaire to allow them to be objective, or even honest. Why some people immediatelly discount a report of crime on Bonaire while accepting without question a glowing report has to make you stop and question that?