Baby Bear, keep those windows down, doors open and unlocked, spare tire in your closet at the hotel, hide the truck battery, take your wife's jewelery in a case and put it around your neck, leave your passport, wallet and money at a safe at a bank in town, and go shore diving on Bonaire. It is a shame that you have to travel by plane, pay for the rental truck, hotel fees and all the rest of it to be that unsafe. Enjoy. :laughing:
Funny, this Papa Bear never felt "Unsafe" not once! So stop bashing what scares YOU and let people have a break from all your ranting against Bonaire! You ran from NY was that because of the crime? You seem to be a frightened person?
The only place I have been broken into was Laguna Beach, must be the bad element and the sheriff in it together!
I have never had a problem on Bonaire or Buddy Dive! I would recommend it highly to anyone wanting a great DIVE vacation!