Kathydee, you asked about someone to help you through this transition. I would assume you are mostly diving in Monterey? If so, there is a very nice group of DIR divers down there (here, I should say, because I'm in Monterey at the moment) and I'm sure somebody would be willing to spend a little time going over your setup and helping you get it sorted out. Best thing would be to pick a weekend and post that you are coming down, and ask for a buddy for a dive or two.
Thank you TSandM,
Mikeguerrero is part of our local dive community and my neighbor. So since we have similar questions at the moment it would make sense to coordinate a joint orientation.
He has a local DIR contact and we are trying to arrange that now but I am in grad school in finals--so may necessarily lag a week behind his schedule.
If I can;t make it to Monterey this week I;ll post here and perhaps one of you will be kind enough to help mentor a DIR curious newbie who is also pretty new to cold water and local diving ;-).
Enjoy Monterey and thanks for all your continued support ;-).