Is Calling Someone an Ahole and a Jerk Against Tos

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i mean, i know i am but ... jeez... can we keep it to PMs?

keeping this to topic....

I was disturbed when I went to PM Andy what I thought of him, and noticed the Private Message link now says "Love Letters"

the last thing I want to do, is send HIM a love letter!
Hmmm. If I had to guess, I would pick the one about the dude stealing from the church donation basket is the thread you are talking about? I was wondering why it wasn't in my CP today. Certainly that one wouldn't die quickly.:rofl3:
i'm sending a love letter to Pete to ***** about this

and why is Mania sending kisses to her secret admirer? if he (or she) is a secret admirer, how does Mania know about him (or her)??

and the banner with the Valentine's Days messages ... why does it play the same ones over and over and over again?
Flaming and name calling are always against the ToS. (from the question in the OP)

In reference to Lowest of the low, I have inserted this declaration:

*** MOD POST ***

This is my thread: I have claimed it.
I normally don't claim threads, but in this case I have.
The thread will open in about an hour (maybe longer) and I invite ecveryone to take a look at what has been left of the original thread. If somehow, an egregious post has escaped my attention, now is the time to PM me or to use the "Report Bad Post" link at the bottom left of every post to let me know. Thank you for your assistance.<o:p></o:p>

Some additional rules for this thread:
1) You may ask a question only ONCE. If the person answers it fine, if not than tough! Life is full of disappointments.
2) You must not attempt to slander or "expose" any system of belief on here.
3) There must be NO character assassinations. I really don't care who did what on another board or in another thread.
4) There will be NO DISCUSSION in this thread on how (in) effectively it has been moderated. Not even a "Thank you" will be tolerated! If there is a "Bad Post" PM me or use the "Report Bad Post" link: DO NOT MAKE IT A PART OF THE DISCUSSION. If you have questions or comments, PM me or take it to the discussion on Site Support.
5) I will have the last say over what stands and what gets cut in this discussion. If it goes down hill again, ANY moderator may close it or even pull it into the back room. I will review it at my leisure.
6) The ToS still applies. You are asked yet once more to play nice. This means YOU!<o:p></o:p>

*** MOD POST ***<o:p></o:p>​
<o:p> </o:p>

if i may suggest the following. if someone is name-calling in a thread, would it not make sense to give that person a warning, and if the behavior persists, to give that person a short vacation?

i just don't see any repercusions for people who name-call, and thus, there is no incentive to stop doing it.

if you concentrate on the users who name call, not on the thread at issue, you will be able to address the problem across all threads, since you will be disciplining the people who engage in that behavior

just my .02

also, fyi, i was not aware that repeating the same question several times was against TOS. i was simply trying to clarify what the other poster was saying.

consequences to the user = personal responsibilty is encouraged
Andy by short vacation do you mean like an hour or two or a day?
well, it could be progressive

first few times, perhaps two days

after that, two weeks

after that, a month

and final time, for ever

if this does not impress on people the need to follow TOS, nothing will

(Mods, what i am saying to you is stop running around chasing your own tail. lay down the law. make the consequences real. weed out the members who just won't obey TOS -- what you are doing now doesn't work. change strategies)
well, it could be progressive

first few times, perhaps two days

after that, two weeks

after that, a month

and final time, for ever

if this does not impress on people the need to follow TOS, nothing will

(Mods, what i am saying to you is stop running around chasing your own tail. lay down the law. make the consequences real. weed out the members who just won't obey TOS)

Did you watch suppernanny last night or something Andy? :)

BTW I like your idea of progressive bannings and laying the law down. . .
nope ... i don't watch t.v.

well ... anyway, that's my .02 cents, hope it will be considered
you guys need a timeout :wink:

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