Is Calling Someone an Ahole and a Jerk Against Tos

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I see the difference but is similar to in real life. . . one person kills someone while talking on a cell phone and driving, The next day there is legislation calling for cell phone bans while driving. . . one person screws it up for everyone you should know that Andy is it fair always? no.
Doc, i asked if it was ok to call people aholes and jerk, and you closed the thread

you seemed to not want to bother any more ... any excuse ... and the thread got closed

poor moderation form

Correction. The thread was pulled by Doc because of all the name calling, despite warnings to lay off. It was placed in the back in the unclaimed forum for someone with an hour or so of free time to pick up & clean. You know the drill, Andy. Mods may stumble across a thread that is out of line & post a warning because they just don't have time to deal with it, as a mod did last night & Doc did today. When that happens, they then post in the MS asking someone else with time to help out. With 2 separate name calling sessions going on, it's pretty darned messy to clean up. I have asked for a volunteer, as did Doc to help out. Sooner or later someone with the time will clean it up & return it. Until then, you will just have to be patient.

One other thing- & this is just personal observation. Just because someone calls a member a name, does not mean that that member must retaliate in kind, nor justifies the retaliation. I do not see why it is so difficult for some to take the high road.
Correction. The thread was pulled by Doc because of all the name calling, despite warnings to lay off.

no; the thread was pulled when i questioned why name calling was being allowed to stand in posts and wasn't being cleaned and the name-callers dealt with.

instead of "i'm pulling it back to clean it up, will put it back up as soon as we can"

i got

"say goodbye, andy"

total lack of respect to a member, who was called names, and like you said, who did not retaliate in kind

but it would be nice to know that there are consequences for those who engage in name-caling, which none of us want

Just because someone calls a member a name, does not mean that that member must retaliate in kind, nor justifies the retaliation. I do not see why it is so difficult for some to take the high road.

i did not retaliate. i did take the high road. i notified the authorites, who instead of dealing with me in appreciation for my restrain, get fed up and yank the thread cause they don't want to deal with it anymore

this is actually the second time that i notify authorities of name-calling against me, without retaliating, and instead of being listened to, the thread just gets yanked, which is what i was trying to prevent in the first place

odd moderation practice

the behavior you are encouraging is not to come to you, the Mods, but to retaliate in kind, since the thread will be closed anyway
I don't understand how, with all of the experience the Mods left standing have, someone couldn't see within ONE POST (yes, the original post) that the thread was going to circle the drain and become more trouble than value offered to SB.

Why you people can't bring yourselves to drown some of these currs I just don't get. You continue to generate the majority of your own bad publicity by not killing these worthless threads before they move from worthless to eyesore to problem child to troubled youth to serial killer.

This pattern happens week over week over week here. Its just amazing to watch. I mean, mouth agape, amazing. Anyone who's been here for more than a year or two and has half a brain can bank on the threads that are losers within the first 2 to 5 posts. Yet, it goes on and on. And then there is the predictable scurry when these turds go afowl, the same tired management lines, the same rowdy posters screaming censorship or heavy handed TOS application, etc. You can script this stuff. It never changes.

If one of you management types would have quickly PM'ed the OP and kindly and confidently expressed to them that this thing was a lightening rod and it would really do better in another internet forum, or asked them to tone it down, or asked them to reconsider it, or simply just sacked up and killed it, you'd be able to avoid all of this.

This is just the latest manifestation of footless SB leadership, looking for yet another place to shoot themselves.


Its sad.

short by 3


make that 2


Darn Lawyers, too much free time on their hands. I suppose you charged someone for this free time?

Just kidding Andy.

So, I've been on this board for just a few days over 6 years and I have, how many posts?
This pattern happens week over week over week here. Its just amazing to watch. I mean, mouth agape, amazing. Anyone who's been here for more than a year or two and has half a brain can bank on the threads that are losers within the first 2 to 5 posts. Yet, it goes on and on.

some don't even need a year....

*********, this is really nothing more than an attempt to bring a very heated and charged discussion into another forum after it has been closed on the original forum. Let it go already. If it didnt include the post title I might have accepted you just wanted to share something new and interesting in the wrong forum....
This thread is full of people who are nothing but....

lol. Just kidding :)


i mean, i know i am but ... jeez... can we keep it to PMs?

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