Is anyone second guessing?

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Thanks for posting that article. It made a couple of connections clearer for me. On my next trip, I know who I have to spend an evening with over a bottle of good tequila. That will be a most enlightening discussion.
That is the Google translation to english I think it is good enough for people that have half a brain to understand but if you feel a bit challenged in this particular area perhaps you could find a better translation on your own........

Why are you so hostile towards everybody who makes a comment.:shakehead:

Seems to be somewhat of a troll .... most of his posts are negative, combative or gloom & doom - whether here, or on the Lionfish thread, the Tuberculosis thread, the ATM warning thread ... and so on ....
DiveCozumel, it sounds like you should change your name to DontDiveCoz...or StayawayfromCoz..or something along those lines. Im gonna change mine to DontgotoSeattle, DieinPortland, something like that. I know you are trying to make a point, and we get what you are saying. So ease down a little, bro. We cannot live our life in fear of what might happen. If that were so, we sure as heck would not be strapping an aluminum cylinder on our back and jumping into the deep blue.....
Seems to be somewhat of a troll .... most of his posts are negative, combative or gloom & doom - whether here, or on the Lionfish thread, the Tuberculosis thread, the ATM warning thread ... and so on ....

"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion."

As a matter of FACT no my intent is not to provoke an emotional response but if that happens oh well that is your problem. It is also not to disrupt on-topic discussion either. Sorry but the topic of this thread was related to the safety of Cozumel so how is what I posted off topic? Like I said in other threads if you don't like the fact that sometimes things about Cozumel get posted that you don't think are nice enough well that is just to bad. The news is what the news is.....
I just got home from 11 days in PDC / Coz and I can tell you that I felt as safe there as I do at home. Here in Oceanside (Suburb of San Diego) we have drugs, and we have murders, not a lot but it happens, but in virtuall all cases nobody gets killed that didn't deserve it. Mexico has drugs and it is true that there are terrible things happening there between the drug gangs. But does that affect me as a tourist? Not that I can tell. Of all the murders is there even a single case of an innocent American (as opposed to an American involved in the drug trade) being a vixtim of this violence? Not that I'm aware of, and with the current level of mindless hysteria I'm confident we'd here all about it.

For a diver visiting PDC/CUN/Coz the risk is no more that for a diver visiting LA if they are not involved in drugs. OTOH if you bring your drug habit on vacation, I hope you get what you so richly deserve for financing the tungs behind the violence.

Personally I can't wait to get back, and if people are so paranoid that they want to stay away, well that's more room on the dive boat for me!

I does baffle me why someone comes onto a board like this to spread misinformation and hysteria, pretty shameful. What a waste of good oxygen that could have been used for my next Nitrox fill instead of perpetuating lies to fuel a personal agenda.
I just got home from 11 days in PDC / Coz and I can tell you that I felt as safe there as I do at home. Here in Oceanside (Suburb of San Diego) we have drugs, and we have murders, not a lot but it happens, but in virtuall all cases nobody gets killed that didn't deserve it. Mexico has drugs and it is true that there are terrible things happening there between the drug gangs. But does that affect me as a tourist? Not that I can tell. Of all the murders is there even a single case of an innocent American (as opposed to an American involved in the drug trade) being a vixtim of this violence? Not that I'm aware of, and with the current level of mindless hysteria I'm confident we'd here all about it.

For a diver visiting PDC/CUN/Coz the risk is no more that for a diver visiting LA if they are not involved in drugs. OTOH if you bring your drug habit on vacation, I hope you get what you so richly deserve for financing the tungs behind the violence.

Personally I can't wait to get back, and if people are so paranoid that they want to stay away, well that's more room on the dive boat for me!

I does baffle me why someone comes onto a board like this to spread misinformation and hysteria, pretty shameful. What a waste of good oxygen that could have been used for my next Nitrox fill instead of perpetuating lies to fuel a personal agenda.

Please explain what "misinformation" you are refering too?
What proof can you provide us with that anyone posted to this thread with the intent to mislead or cause hysteria?
"An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion."
EXACTLY .... couldn't have said it better myself. Like I said ... "seems to be somewhat of a troll..."
“Plan your trip, be careful about side trips off the beaten track, travel in daylight hours only, and you can mitigate a lot of the risk.”
Having second thoughts about that Mexico trip - Travel -

Common sense people . . .just watch out on those cave/cenote diving side trips on the mainland Yucatan (FYI, there's an interesting thread in The Deco Stop Board regarding the top 5 unsafe cenotes regarding vehicle break-ins, theft and even armed robbery).

(And stop with the inane ancecdotes and comparisons to big city US crime --we're talking Third World Country with an unreliable and/or overwhelmed Gov't law enforcement infrastructure at the moment, should you happen to get in trouble. . .)
I've now been home almost 2 weeks since my recent trip and frankly never once worried about my safety even when I slipped at the Money Bar while exiting the water. I lost my footing on the slippery rocks while rolling up my marker sausage, which I always tow so my wife and any boats in the area will see while I snorkel and trust me when I say I don't hug the shoreline. A lot of the potential visitors that messages like this might scare off need to know that when I visit Cozumel I bring my camera equipment, and walk the streets taking whatever photos I think might be of interest to me, or to people reading the forums I contribute to. I have never, ever had to try to conceal my gear for fear I might be robbed, and I am more than willing to pull out my camera anywhere day or night on any street my feet take me to to take a photo. On several days this trip there were Carnaval related activities going on, and I had most of the gear I brought on me those days (or nights) and I'm pretty sure that on at least one occasion I was carrying over $12,000 Cdn worth of gear. I did the same the last trip when Carnaval was on, and wouldn't hesitate to do it next week.

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