In defense of Casual Divers

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The irony is in the people that post 5 paragraphs defending how intense they are about diving and why their "system" rocks are only identifying themselves as part of the group that he is talking about.

The people he is talking about do not exist other than in myth and legend. Here on Scubaboard, there are only 3 types of posters. Divers, cyberdivers, and wannabe divers.

I have been in the military and law enforcement..

Would never have guessed.

I think he was defending his industry that takes in all divers to explore their underwater world. He watches for those that need a lot of help, gives credit to those that don't, and really watches for those that think that because they know what a wing and backplate are, they don't need help ... cause those are the ones that really can cause harm. Again, if you pose, you're not authentic.

A backplate and wing do not make a good diver. And a jacket BC, split fins, and a snorkel do not make a poor one. Like any sport, understanding, talent, and practice make a good diver. Unfortunately, most divers refuse to practice, and most are pretty short on talent from what I've seen. However, I am unsure what "harm" is being caused by those who choose to dive in a BP/W config.

As for being a poser, if the shoe fits...

An old zen saying: Those that don't know of "it", speak and those that do know of "it" do not say.

Are you a zen buddhist? Or are you a poser?
Maybe he's a Samurai:wink:
Wow. I just got off a plane an hour ago and saw this. One thing to think about is that even if a diver gets excellent instruction they will loose those skills over years of only doing maybe 4 to 6 dives a year at a warm water resort on their vacation. I see these types of divers all over. They just want to get wet, do a few dives. They are happy to be toured around by a couple of DMs. Most of these dives are very safe and shallow. Frankly it's not unlike a resort course diver sometimes.

I agree with the OP that he just needs to see some basic skills for these kind of dives. The part I don't get is that those types of divers don't spend their time on the internet dive sites anyway.
The part I don't get is that those types of divers don't spend their time on the internet dive sites anyway.

yea, maybe he thinks we are the reason why?

I think maybe people are looking for problems in a way, does anybody on either side really care very much? I would spend more time thinking about my food to be honest.
yea, maybe he thinks we are the reason why?

I think some people do. I have shown this site to some of my diver type friends and they laugh at it and basically gave me the response that Zen gave. I atleast think there is some good info on the board. And you have to admit, sometimes there is alot of flaming the new diver or the one that doesn't share the same thinking. See ZENs comments.
yes, well, the other day some guy asked a question and got tackled for asking about an air two and going diving the first time, like he was thinking of comitting was a little embarrassing.

We have this one captain and this client was trying to work the hatch on the boat and he said to the guy "let's see if we can be smarter than the door!". And I reminded him that maybe the guy could say the same to him if the situation was reversed. (he was a 767 pilot). I think we have to remember that there are some very bright people (and some not-so, but so what?) that want to dive and yes, even ask stupid questions. It is not sacred to everyone...its just another activity.

In fact, I could even make the case that the more sophisticated, well-rounded a person is, the less likely they are to care what some internet clique might think of their question.

On the other hand, you know that people that take it seriously are going to get a little more worked up if you break the "rules".
yes, well, the other day some guy asked a question and got tackled for asking about an air two and going diving the first time, like he was thinking of comitting was a little embarrassing.

We have this one captain and this client was trying to work the hatch on the boat and he said to the guy "let's see if we can be smarter than the door!". And I reminded him that maybe the guy could say the same to him if the situation was reversed. (he was a 767 pilot). I think we have to remember that there are some very bright people (and some not-so, but so what?) that want to dive and yes, even ask stupid questions. It is not sacred to everyone...its just another activity.

In fact, I could even make the case that the more sophisticated, well-rounded a person is, the less likely they are to care what some internet clique might think of their question.

On the other hand, you know that people that take it seriously are going to get a little more worked up if you break the "rules".

I agree with you 99.9%. I think alot of time I have seen someone new or just honestly not knowing, ask a question and get the same type of DUH response. I can see poeple getting turned off. In the end who cares how you do it just do it.
I have no problem admitting that there are allot of you on this board who have allot broader experience base and a world more technical knowledge then I have and if there is a worse speller around here I haven't seen him yet...........

I really think that you can teach the folks that come here a world of great and wonderfull stuff.

I just don't understand why everything has to end up if you don't do it this way you are going to DIE...... Or if you don't do it this way you must be an idiot and shouldn't be allowed in the water. Sure there are risks involved but then almost everything we do invovles nearly as much.

Hope you guys understand that I want Scuba Board to grow...

You would be suprised at the number of folks I meat who have ventured on to this board only to leave cause they can't stand the preaching.

So thanks for all your responses - I have read them all and many valid points were made.
I just don't understand why everything has to end up if you don't do it this way you are going to DIE...... Or if you don't do it this way you must be an idiot and shouldn't be allowed in the water. Sure there are risks involved but then almost everything we do invovles nearly as much.

100% agree

You would be suprised at the number of folks I meat who have ventured on to this board only to leave cause they can't stand the preaching.

Scuba Snobs LMAO
I don't believe that you are wrong at all. Many of the folks that I dive with take the sport as truly a recreational activity. They do dive during the year, but don't want to take any significant challenges. What they really enjoy is the opportunity to get away for a week and dive in the winter. On top of this is the social aspect.

They understand the basics, they practice skills, they know their limits and stay within them.

I agree that recreational divers don't need to know anything about rigging stage bottles and probably don't need to worry about O2 partial pressures.

However, the basic SCUBA training does not provide adequate in-water skills and when you add a whole year of not diving on top you have a potential danger (by the way, I'm very sceptical that most recreational divers "practice skills").

For example, the basic OW course (and in fact AOW and Rescue) only require mask removal and replacement while kneeling on the bottom - very useful if your clumsy buddy allows you to do this before kicking it off but generally not much use in the real world where you are more likely to get you mask knocked off and regulator kicked out while swimming which makes the whole task far more difficult.

With current training you have to be following a tec course before you get the training at this level, which every diver NEEDS.

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