ideas and suggestions on the design of the "perfect" dive computer

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So, there will be a multi-gas Nitrox version (not trimix) without tank pressure?

Are there any plans to make a wrist mount for it?

And most important question of all. I HATE Apple, but this could get me to stay with iPhone forever. This is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. Love the idea, of once again another stand alone device integrated into my phone. And the ability to use camera at REAL depths is a plus.

What REALLY concerns me is, what happens when the ********* at Apple, on a whim, as they like to do these days, decide for whatever reason, or no reason at all, to no longer support it, and pull the app from the app store?

Essentially, You will have the adaptability to do whatever you want with the software. With Upgraded software the REC will perform even trimix or heliox calculating functions just without a pressure reading from the tank. The extra cost of the unit itself is hardware and engineering. I will tell you this though, if you buy a REC and decide you want air-integration just send it back and we can upgrade you existing unit by simply swapping out our processing unit mounted inside the bottom of the housing.

DEMA was great by the way. We had a very positive response and there was an amazing amount of word-of-mouth response. I don't know how many people told me "I was told I have to come see this thing"
We are busting our humps right now to fire up production by January.

We have a full length video on for a bit of different exposure

SCUBA CAPSULE by Marcin Michel — Kickstarter


There will be several mounts available depending on preference....

As far as the App store goes It will be supported for as long as we are making Scuba Capsules and if something un-forseen were to happen the only thing you would lose is the ability to update you App. All functions will remain in-tact.

Cheers everyone.
Video looks good. I'm wondering, will the REC and PRO models be nitrox compatible?
Also, the lite version is just the housing with no electronics, which allows just video and camera function, correct?
the only difference between the rec and tec is the hardware. I think this has confused people. The developer is under the impression that tec divers want either wired or wireless air integration (which is often not true) . The software associated is the same just with different connections/sensors installed into the case. (this is my understanding)

My shop talked with the people at DEMA and said it looked good. They were told they would get a unit for testing once they are in production. Once they do, I will be diving it and let you know more.

OP/maker - feel free to correct me if any of this info is incorrect.
Hey guys, We have a nitrox compatibility on all computer/software pkgs. The PRO software will offer the abilty to incorporate sveral gas mixes in the realm of oxygen and nitrogen with available upgrades for trimix and heliox. The TEC model will come standard with top of the line gas adaptability. We understand that alot of tech divers dont care about air integration but for the flagship model we feel it should come standard, if desired the user can cap off the high-pressure sensor and not worry about pressure readings. The same is true for the wet data connector which we are sure the tech guys will use.

The LITE is just a bare bones housing with minimal electronics but it can still be taken to 90 meters which will allow pictures, media and apps to be taken advantage of at depth
2 very important questions:

Is this housing definitely going into production?
I noticed on Kickstarter that you're most likely not going to get your funding.

Is it definitely going to fit the iPhone 4 and 4S?
My 4 just went for a dive. I'm planning on upgrading to a 4S when I can.
But the 5 is supposed to be released in less than a year, which is going to be a complete redesign.
Don't want to want to spend the money on the upgrade now, if there are any plans to change the Scuba Capsule to fit the 5 before you go into production.
Not only will the housing fit an iPhone 4 or 4s it will work with iPod touch as well. When the iPhone 5 does come out we will be working very hard to get the software and case adapter developed as quickly as possible, which shouldnt be more than a month or so. Also keeping in mind they usually let you keep your old device when you upgrade which will allow you to have a device devoted to scuba capsule if you so desire. was merely an experiment, we are not depending on that for funding. Feedback from that market is what we were looking to see, but I dont see many divers or dive related items on that site. Mostly music and computers.


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