Hurricane Ivan is next...

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I'm still leaving the state. To much stuff here that can create a bad situation just by flying around. I'm a little slow on the draw sometimes, but now and again it clicks.. its setting of alarms and whistles at the moment. :)
Sorry that you are gonna miss all the fun Colin, the party wont be the same without you!!

They do think that the climatic conditions making FL the current hotspot are about to change as the summer-long cycle of weather coming off the west coast might be broken really soon - so hopefully Ivan is the last one, of course we can still wait and see :wink:
Chuck, looks like the 11am track has your house number on 8am Tuesday with the big surprise being Ft Myers/Pt Charlotte again monday evening sometime. Yes we all know its a compromise and its still a way off, it will be moved a few more times, but its still "fun" (in a sick and twisted way i know) to point the gun around and see where the target lands, i am sure it will come back to Orlando in a day or so! :wink:
Well, looks like the state is in for another one. I hope everyone stays safe. Did I see someone mention a hurricane party? Woohoo!

Oh, btw, hi all! First post here, this site seems pretty cool!
err, welcome you Freak (did that come out right?? :wink: ). Once all this hot air blows over i hope you can get diving with us all - just have to wait for the viz to improve on the shore and rivers to stop flooding and we will be back where we were about 6 weeks ago pre-Charley and pre-Frances!! Ah to be in fall/winter/spring again.
We are SUPPOSED to leave Tampa on the 19th, cruise to Cayman and then to Cozumel....looks like Ivan is hammering cayman. How long after this thing passes will the seas settle down (viz)...and most importantly will cayman still be there? I figure it's going to hit cayman, swing over to Cozumel, then back up through Tampa.
Thanks for the welcome simbrooks and NetDoc, I guess I should have put the new member stuff in the right forum, heh...(Yes, this board is huge!)

Anyway, back to Ivan. The nature of my work requires me to stay around, so I will be waiting out Ivan. Admittingly, I am a little worried about it, though I will be in a secure place. What a welcome to the sunshine state. Oh well, I wouldn't trade the ocean for anything!
Good luck you guys....I can't believe that you are going thru round three so soon! Diving in Washington has been fairly decent if you're looking to get away... my house is open!

Be safe!

being semi-native and married to a native native (Cherokee) I just have to stay. Hurricanes should stay in Miami! :D
Go Gators!!!

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