How do you wear your long hair to dive?

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when you say braiding, do you mean a plat??
Hi ! another interesting thing, is the mask strap protection.
My hair is very long as well (lower back) and I just do a pony tail with that kind of chignon and it works well. With the neoprene protection, it's a pleasure, but I have to be carefull no to forget my brush for after the dive. ;-)
I have long layered hair with long fringe but not long enough to be held back together with the normal ponytail. I usually plait the fringe, then just tie the rest up in a ponytail. Works well until my hair got a bit too long & keeps "floating" in front of my face during dives...I got scared by it during my night dives a few times thinking it's some funny sea creatures swimming right into my face! hahaha...when that happens, I know it's time to get my hair trimmed...
My GF actually just uses a loose cloth elastic and does a low and loose pony-tail arrangement. The hair spreads out under the hood, between the neck and neoprene. Seems to work fine...
A friend of mine always puts hers in pigtails that stick out under her hood. I just stick it back in a ponytail!

Nauticalbutnice :fruit:
I always just pulled mine back too. It was long to the middle of my back, but I just got it cut to just past my shoulders so it should be interesting to see what to do with it now!
I put a pony tail on the top of my head OR wear a hood (I do get cold quite a bit so the hood is usually the way I go)
I used to wear my hair 6" past my shoulders, and had lots of trouble diving with it until I decided a short cut eliminated those problems, was much easier to maintain in general, and looked good even immediately post-dive.

I actually went to a bar in Boston immediately after a night dive a few years ago, with no time at all spent on my 1.5" hair. While ordering a drink I had a stylist from a chichi salon ask me what products I used to get that look. I told her I used the ocean and a wetsuit hood, and she laughed and told me she was charging her clients $90 for a gell that did the same thing. Needless to say, I had a good laugh too!
I am so glad I found this thread. I just went down and bought 2 12" hair gloves today. (They are located just a few minutes from here.) I can't wait to try one on a dive.

Dion :)
Wow! You got to actually visit them!!! Send pictures if you get a chance!

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