How do you finance your Addiction??

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Lifeflight Paramedic - Like firediver, I only work 8 shifts a month - set schedule, Tues / Thurs - no weekends.

Schedule is great - pay is OK.

Electrical Engineer/IT guy for Mechanical Engineering at Purdue. Great job, decent pay and tons of vacation. Location could be improved though.....

Wife - Test engieer with Allison transmission. Currently working on the new hybrid stuff.
This is me at my "regular" job ( I'm the one in the back). Besides this I teach scuba on a part time basis. 1.jpg
Retired union construction electrician. Counting Soc.Sec., four checks come in every month like clockwork. Everything paid for years ago. Live on one check, one goes to help other folks, blow one and dive trip once a month on the SS check. How sweet it is.

This is what it is all about! :D
I work for a company and rapes and plunders the earth. Plus my gf makes as much as I do as a model. Life is good.
Do It For Fun,
Do It For Survival, or
Don't Do It At All.

Like several I've had Fun jobs, Survival jobs and No Jobs. I've even been blessed with a couple careers along the way. Managed to live through all with no significant physical damage.

Right now I'm married to a successful woman who brings in enough, coupled with my residuals, to pay for the diving, at least until the Feds or the Market messes it up.

Looking for the Next Adventure, I am, I am.
I rob banks. Since our small local bank doesn't have much cash on hand, I have to rob it weekly just to pay for air.

Seriously, I sell my DVD's and write my newspaper columns. Good thing I actually get my air for free from my wonderful LDS (SCUBA Luv). As for the mortgage and other unimportant bills...

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