How do you finance your Addiction??

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I'd feel dirty if I didn't give you a hard time for being out in "left" Texas :wink:

Maybe you work for a large banking organization like BoA or Chase?

That, or you work for Pfizer and are hording folks' rightful supplies of purple pills.

Ewwww... Not even the same industry. :)
As some others, I've had numerous jobs. Currently, I work as a Sr. Information Systems Specialist for a top five pharma company. Basically, a high level troubleshooter.

I'm a disabled vet so I get some govt. shekels. My wife is a teacher in a private school with negligible pay.

They just changed us to on call status and I'm on call every three weeks. So, I get extra money now for paying off the credit cards that I bought scuba stuff with, and can buy new scuba stuff!!

Sssshhhhh! My wife doesn't know about his yet! :D
I work for a company that's too big for its own good.

Pretty much everybody here (That live in the USA anyways) interacts with the company I work for on a daily basis and don't realize it.

We handle something that belongs to you and you can become very irritated if your property does not properly get put into your hands and/or your holding area.

I know more about you than you probably realize.

What do I do?
Is it ADP?
LOL I opened up a dive store....I get some nice gear ...but hubby pays the bills.
Stock broker. Still looking for some good scuba stocks to buy (or short).
I'd feel dirty if I didn't give you a hard time for being out in "left" Texas :wink:

Maybe you work for a large banking organization like BoA or Chase?

That, or you work for Pfizer and are hording folks' rightful supplies of purple pills.

Left Texas....pftt! :)

You're closer to the industry. We work with financial institutions large and small. We do just about any kind of electronic processing you can think of: Point of Sale, Automated Teller Machine, E-Commerce, Checking, Credit, Electronic Benifit Transfer (governmental assistance), etc. We are the behind the scenes monkeys that move your money around the world (So that you can pay for your scuba addiction).
I'm a Systems Administrator for a telecom company and I have recently become addicted to diving. Thankfully, regular bonuses have paid for gear and my dad has generously been taking me and my brother on dive trips.
I married a pharmacist...supports TWO habits! :eyebrow:

Ok...I work for an insurance fun whatsoever! (but I DID marry a pharmacist)
Firefighter/Paramedic full time, only 8 shifts a month (24's)
Paramedic part time (when I feel like it, and theres nothing to dive)

And hope to start running dive charters off my boat soon, oh wait this is about how we MAKE money..... Thats how I'm gonna LOOSE money LOL!


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