How do you finance your Addiction??

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I'm a kept Man. It's tough, but someone has to do it. Actually, I am staying home and raising my kids, my wife takes care of us with what little money she brings home. Before leaving the workforce, I was an Electronics Engineer in the Semi-Conductor Industry, have worked on Radars for the Govt., and the Brake systems of Aircraft.
oh, I've flipped burgers, milked cows, drove tractor and roofed..........
Best to be a kept Man
Stock broker. Still looking for some good scuba stocks to buy (or short).

I want to buy Wegman's Grocery stock. They're an incredible company, making all sorts of money, making their customers insanely happy, kicking their competitors right out of the water and expanding all down the east coast.

Unfortunately, they're also private. 8-(

<------It's all in the name...I own a licensed PI/security firm based in NYC.
Thanks for all the replies gang, great thread!!!
Police man 12 years and Scuba Instructor(Though what I make doing that doesn't pay for much)
Engineer, Drafter, Commecial Diver. I am usually one of those one day.

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