How do you finance your Addiction??

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I make peanuts writing code. My lovely wife, who's much more driven, career minded and educated than I, pulls down a nice income in finance for one of the world's largest company. I continue to think of way's I can earn my income wearing flip flops and shorts and work within a stones throw of some beach and have something to do with diving. I'll take suggestions. :D
Graphic designer/Web developper...freelance landscape desginer..and well jack of all trades kind of of services with dive shops to pay for gear etc..

Bought a new house a year money for diving...built a fish pond..I use that to practice my skills...:wink:..finally finished the landscaping and finished the basement... Wife is happy and so is my dog ( he has a place to pee now. ) now I can get back to diving for fun..and hopefuly for free...

anyone need a website created...anyone...:D
driftin' by:
I'll take suggestions. :D

Process serving! Work your own hours. Ofter you get your license, send letters to every law office and loan company around you. Be careful though. Success can mean working it like a "real" job.

Comrade Stroke
Process serving! Work your own hours. Ofter you get your license, send letters to every law office and loan company around you. Be careful though. Success can mean working it like a "real" job.

Comrade Stroke

Can you explain process serving? I'm always looking for something to do on the side.
I move from dive shop to dive shop working long hours for meager pay, currently working for Gander Mt. in the Scuba section. Other than that, Ebay and other various money making ventures.
Computer Consultant (Web and Application Development & Support)

Regular hours, vacations when I want to schedule them, happy clients.

I work for a company that's too big for its own good.

Pretty much everybody here (That live in the USA anyways) interacts with the company I work for on a daily basis and don't realize it.

We handle something that belongs to you and you can become very irritated if your property does not properly get put into your hands and/or your holding area.

I know more about you than you probably realize.

What do I do?
driftin' by:
I make peanuts writing code. My lovely wife, who's much more driven, career minded and educated than I, pulls down a nice income in finance for one of the world's largest company. I continue to think of way's I can earn my income wearing flip flops and shorts and work within a stones throw of some beach and have something to do with diving. I'll take suggestions. :D

Your answer may be closer than you think....if she makes the main money, get a job in Galveston on one of the boats running out of there.....
I'm unemployed and loving it. Wife works -- her pay plus royalties for past work pay for diving.

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