How does one become a "Supreme Natterer"?
And why isn't there titles for those above 5,000 posts?
10k posts = Opinionated
20k posts = Wants a life
30k posts = Needs a life :admin:
Jax - Not sure if I should thank ya or be mad at ya for pointing me to this thread, to as you say ....perhaps to participate in some tomfoolery and balderdash.

Yes, I need a life aside from diving and posting on SB.
I very much remember when I first started visiting and joined a forum (computer modding) I did think that post count meant that this persons comments or posts carried more weight and that they must know what they are talking aboot.
People new to forums may easily think the same thing, It is why I do not show my post count now.
... you really, really, need to keep the "Supreme Natterer" title
I can assure you, DB, my posts carry zero weight and I NEVER know what I'm talking about, never!!
Hi, Em. I know Chip has a life but I clearly do not.:shocked2: You think Sam and Chip need a life?!?!
Supreme Natterer=25,000 posts (I think)

Yes, Supreme Natterer does equal 25K posts.