Like it or not, I can only think of one fatality EVER of someone who dives DIR. It just doesn't happen. The same cannot be said for other diving practices.
So what is that percentage wise? When there's five people on the planet that are 100% dir, and one of them dies, that's a 20% fatality rate.
Can you be safe if you're not DIR? Sure. As safe? I don't think so.
BS. Thousands of people dive every day and don't die or get hurt. How many of them are DIR? Are they REALLY LESS SAFE because their hose is less than 7' long? No, they just have a different set of options available to them. Not everyone who dives does it in an overhead environment.
RN, this guy had cave ambitions from the get go, from what I understand. Why not teach the basics of cave diving before introducing a more complex and advanced method of diving.
Sidemount is more complex and advanced than cave diving?
Please list all the courses and skills that should be reserved for elite cave-diving DIR practitioners. I want to make sure I don't learn something that might kill me.
I'm willing to bet you a steak dinner that he didn't have some back problem, or a shoulder mobility issue, or whatever the reason dujour is for diving SM
Because if someone wants to improve themselves or try something different, they need a reason that you agree with first.
Doing things without a reason is never smart in my book. And most of the reasons for wanting to dive SM in OW are bs, as far as I'm concerned.
Are you less than 35 years old? If so, wait a few more years and you can tell us about how you can still run as fast, jump as high, and drink as much beer as you did when you were 18. Also, is there a number we can call to check with you before we take a class?
Its analogous to rebreather for a new diver, to me.
Big difference between rebreathers and sidemount.
Learn to cave dive, then lets learn the specialized stuff.
Maybe someone wants to learn to dive sidemount so they can take the cave classes in the gear they intend to use. Should you be required to use a horse-collar bc for OW, or can you use a modern system?
Hell, we were all debating if intro divers should be allowed to dive doubles.
Allowed? Thanks for allowing us to use the gear we want.
and yet here we are giving the tools to brand spakin new (potential) cave divers a tool to get not only far, but in small, unforgiving cave.
Aren't big, short caves unforgiving too? Divers were killing themselves in caves before either of us were born. Do you really think the gear made absolutely any difference at all in this incident? If that's the case you should just make dive lights illegal for anyone lacking a cave cert. I mean really, if you can't see where you're going, you won't go there.
Really the elitist attitude turns people off. This isn't a contest for most of us. If you want divers to get the training and mentoring they need to be safer divers, you have to make those things attractive. You have to be open and inclusive. Restricting certain gear configurations because YOU don't think someone should be diving it is.... Well, I'll just say it's not very nice