On another note....
Anyone know of a good cavern course and instructor in Colorado?
It all depends on how far you are desiring to go with it. If you are looking to go beyond cavern and all the way to cave, then I suggest you look for some place and some instructor who will go the whole route with you. If you are looking for something like the PADI specialty, which is not intended for that purpose, then there are at least two I know who can help you.

The PADI specialty has roughly the same standards as other courses, and the instructor is required to have full cave certification. Unless you take it from one of the few instructors who is certified to teach the full PADI cave course (and yes, there is one now), it is not a first step to further certification. It is designed to make you a safe diver in a cavern, and, in the minds of the two instructors I know, it is more importantly designed to make sure you have a healthy respect for how much more training is required before being a safe diver in a cave. It is specifically intended to make sure things like this event do not occur.
As was stated earlier, the problem in Colorado is that there are no caverns. The two instructors I know have no thought that they can teach it locally but rather assume that it is something they would teach people who are on trips with them to places where caverns are available. For example, one of them certified two people in Florida this year when a planned dive on the Oriskany was blown out and they drove inland to Morrison Springs and Jackson Blue instead. Also, the shop sometimes leads trips to places like Tulum, in which case having an instructor along who can teach cavern would be a benefit.