I'm perfect, except for when I'm not too. Ooops, lets make it better, I'm better than perfect, except for when I'm not.
What I don't understand is giving the course to someone who has that mentality. There were indications that Ben was intent on diving his own way. A check of his log book would have revealed that, or some of his behavior during the class would have been a good indicator as well. Why at that point continue with this class, knowing that the knowledge was going to be misused....was it just to make a fast buck???? Was it just because the instructor only had to get him through the course and didn't care if he killed himself in a cave afterward???? Was it because the instructor felt the OW SM course was going to add a margin of safety to Ben's blatant disregard of the rules?????
If he wasn't allowed to finish the OW SM class, do you think that would have any bearing at all on whether or not he would go dive the cave? I think not. Considering that OW SM isn't a cave class, it has zero bearing on his cave diving endeavors.
Did the instructor even ask or look into why Ben wanted the OW SM course???? Was it because that is what all the "cool kids" are doing??? Was it because of a health issue????(which I don't buy into at all, if an AL 80 is whipping your ass, two probably are not gonna make it any better) Or was the OW SM course taken so Ben could start/finish his map of THE CAVE AT VORTEX????
He obviously had aspirations to dive caves. Why is not a good idea to learn about a configuration you plan to use? Rather than take a class in a new configuration, and beat the hell out of the caves by being completely green?
Do you advocate divers go into training with gear completely new to them?
.......and NO it isn't way over my head. I get it !!!! But what about twin cylinders in any configuration is recreational???? Right off the bat, you are more likely to hit a deco obligation with two cylinders so no matter how you slice it, you are in an overhead environment at that point, whether an actual overhead of rock or steel, or a virtual one with decompression stops. Yeah yeah I know, plan the dive, dive the plan, ....blah blah blah. Well what happens when that young inexperienced OW SM diver forgets to check his BT or his depth gauge, things go sideways and he finds himself with a pretty large deco obligation... First question, does he even realize it??? Second question, What does he do about it???? Third, does he have the gas to pull it off??? Fourth, does he have the skills to pull it off????
Did your OW training sucks so bad that they didn't teach you to pay attention to your time, depth, NDL times? Lots of people do infact dive two cylinders in purely recreational environments - this is obviously lost on you. Its also quite easy to get out of NDL with single tanks as well, especially with multiple dives in a day. Yet, new divers aren't continuously kacking all over the place?
Based on what you have said in earlier post, it would be perfectly OK to do your OW course in SM if you knew a single tank wasn't the way you were gonna end up diving...... REALLLY???? How at that point in the game do you even know where you are gonna be diving, or even if you are gonna survive the OW class, much less what configuration you are gonna be diving in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years.......
Most people don't know, and obviously start in single cylinders. Did I say every diver knows where they'll be diving in 10 years? Some do, most don't. I bet there's alot of cavers out there that started diving strictly for cave diving, and not for the pretty little reef fish

How much time do you think they spent in a single tank, in an environment they had zero interest in?
You do realize Ben had over 500 dives and had been certified for several years right? He's had just a bit of time to think about where he wants to be, regardless of whether or not he'd get the traning for it.
You brought up task loading....so lets think about that for a brand new certified OW diver, you remember don't you, buoyancy all over the place........oh **** there is water in my mask can I clear it without drowning.......hey where did my buddy go........breathe in, breathe out.....hey how long have I been here........how deep am I........hey fishy fishy....Oh **** SHARK ......WTF am I doing here???? and you think its OK to put this guy in a SM rig????? Sorry I don't agree with you there.
Ok, you just verified how bad your OW course was... Mine taught bouyancy, mask clearing, all that good stuff. Otherwise, you're pretending that diving a two cylinders is the equivelant to handling 4. You brought up new OW divers by the way, not me, and it has no bearing on this incident so ramble on baseless junk all ya want
I am wondering what would be the positive indicators...inside the cave, that are supposedly lacking, to show he actually died in the cave?
I don't know where he is, I just know he isn't in the back. You
cannot scrape through tunnel thats chest in the mud, back to the ceiling, and narrow, without leaving obvious signs of your passage. To get beyond where some of the search divers went, you'd have to shed gear. There was no gear. Two mostly empty tanks in OW(without regs) and a stage 150'p into the cave does NOT get you to the back, and that doesn't even begin to address going through the tight passage in the back without a trace.
If you have information stop hinting around and spit it out!
There's about a million different speculations running around Vortex right now, some of them have already been posted. None of them are based on any real evidence - which is fine, because there's no real evidence he's in the cave either.