Someone ought to sue Frontier Airlines for such flagrant discrimination. Basically they have discriminated against scuba divers due to the gear associated with our activity even though we can travel well within the weight limits for a second bag. If they see scuba gear of any type, you are subject to the fee.
Who else travels with activity specific gear? What about bowlers? Skiers? Rodeo cowboys? Musicians? Any kind of performer, especially those who require costumes and props?
Frontier Airlines' discriminatory action toward scuba divers is selectively punitive. Every scuba diver charged the fee, and even those who could potentially be charged the fee, have suffered both financially and emotionally from the airlines' discriminatory policy. The irreparable damage to my self-esteem by being singled out among non-scuba diving passengers is beyond measure.
Any lawyers on this board? Let's file a class action lawsuit on behalf of the 200,000 diving members of ScubaBoard. Where's the ACLU when you need them?
I started this kind of tongue in cheek.......but now I'm not so sure it doesn't have some merit.