Here is the answer I received.
I have cut/pasted the part from the baggage chart that applies to scuba equipment. I’m interpreting this to mean that if your ticket is purchased after June 10th, it will cost $100 each time you check in (or each way coming and going). If your tickets are purchased BEFORE June 10th and that’s ALL you check in or if it’s your second bag, it wouldn’t cost anything. As long as it isn’t too big or too heavy, then it would be subjected to the regular overweight/oversized fees of $50. I don’t think including or not including the tank matters – only in terms of extra weight.
I hope this helps – thanks for visiting us at
Beki Pineda
Customer Relations"
But the short answer is: No more Frontier.

"I just spoke with the Baggage Supervisor who was part of the committee decision regarding the new fees for baggage and sports equipment. These new fees were developed to bring Frontier up to the industry standard. When I asked what other airlines charged, she quoted several airlines who have been charging $100-150 for quite some time. Only AirTran and Frontier were still charging $50."
She goes on to state that tanks are heavy, and that other items of over size and over weight also have additional fees attached. But she didn't address gear that has been (until June 10) free if packed in the free checked bag and didn't exceed weight or size limits. She ends her reply with:
"So please don’t feel like we are picking on you personally – we’re having to make changes that effect nearly every passenger in our struggle to survive in the face of $125/barrel fuel prices.
Thank you for visiting us at"
She seems to think that all scuba gear, regardless lof weight or size, was always assess a $50 fee (which she claims is not $100). Clearly she is confused with over weight/size gear (typically scuba tanks, but I think you could check a whole scuba set (kit) including a tank for $50, and still have your free baggage allowance for other baggage. What I am (we are) address is the change from "free if packed in your checked bag and doesn't exceed size/weight limits" to "$100 fee after June 10".
I'll post the response when/if I get it.
Oh, my email was from the same person - Beki Pineda
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