Using the hypothetical plans I described in
a previous post:
GF30/80, SP 1.3
Dive 1 (230 ft, 30 min BT = 22 min at depth): 131 min
SI: 3 hrs
Dive 2 (230 ft, 30 min BT = 22 min at depth): 141 min (CNS O2 toxicity alert)
SI: 1 hr
Dive 3 (230 ft, 15 min BT = 7 min at depth): 72 min (CNS O2 toxicity alert)
we now have 344 min breathing 1.3 ata O2 and 3 ascents to the surface (going to 8 ata to 1 ata) for which the lungs need to be filled with ~4.5 l of almost O2 at the surface.
Again assuming a liberal 1 l/min metabolic O2 consumption (and in any case, the rEvo will leak around 0.7 l/min no matter what): 131 + 141 + 72 + 3*36 = 452 l.
Remember, if they used a 2 l tank filled to 200 bar, that's 400 l of O2 tops. Even considering the approximations used (and the fact that these BT are completely hypothetical, while not unrealistic), such a "plan" wouldn't be expected to end too well...