Let me break it to you, if you are planning and your goal is ABSOLUTE min amount of BO gas then you are fooling yourself, or been fooled.Everybody is jumping on Peter about his TruDive planning now? How many of you have really trained with him and have a leg to stand on? I am not saying there is no way that he could be at fault but I am saying that facts speak louder than some of this BS. Peter insists on using the minimum RMV for a good reason. Everything is planned on what the absolute least amount of BO gas is required. This is just used as a baseline and the individual can add the conservatism to that which they are comfortable with. The baseline remains but the amount of gas carried can vary from day to day as dive conditions warrant. It is not exactly rocket science but some of you are nothing but a lynching mob right now.
Absolute min BO gas on OC will kill ya dead many times when things go pear shaped, on CCR it will killl you almost ALL of the time. So, if the whole idea of BO gas is to deal with an emergency, absolute min is most likely not going to be enough. That being the case, why even bring it? Seriously, just go "free-soloing" (to borrow a climbing term) and make it easier without even the "pretend" BO to lug around. If you want to do that, have at it, your life.
But it is my view that doing everything you can to shave carried BO gas in CCR diving is a poor approach that will yield poor results when needed. I also believe it would be amazingly irresponsible for a instructor to teach and advocate for such, unless they are marketing it truthfully "Let's make sure nobody calls you out for not enough bail out, we have come up with a great excuse that you can use to baffle those that feel you need adequate bail out gas when diving CCR"