DIR- Generic Does the ScubaPro S-Tek Pro BPW Meet Standards?

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I dive with the backup light clipped on the shoulder D ring
Clipped to shoulder Dring and secured to harness by some elastic band, or simply clipped to Dring?

I never tried the halcyon cinch system but it seems nice and well thought although you also have some loose floppy webbing when it is tight.
No it doesn’t, when you loosen the shoulder, the extra length comes from shortening the waist strap, you’re just temporarily transferring some webbing from waist to shoulders, the overall “loop” remains the same size.
On the Scubapro version, you have the floppy ends on the shoulders that aren’t part of the “loop”, hence why they’re flopping in the wind.
The only thing that is a bit "particular" with this BPW it that it is very heavy with the inox plate, more than all the other BPW that I know. I put less lead so it is ok but to carry it on land, you feel the weight. And if you travel it is heavy and massive.
Well, you just bought the steel (heavier) version, but it also comes in an aluminum (lighter) version. Between all manufacturers, you can buy plates that range from something like 1lb to 12lb, perhaps more, I don’t have those numbers memorized.

. I was really glad I had switched out my overly ridiculous and wide 6' DSMB for one that was very easy to manage and I could inflate on one breath at a 20' stop,.
Overly ridiculous and wide, as in very visible is the primary feature you’d want in a SMB.
I’ve never tested this and don’t know if anyone ever did, but wouldn’t be surprised if a full breath on a 6’ SMB from 20ft laying flat on the surface isn’t more visible than a fully inflated skinny 3.3’, which to stand upright isn’t going to stick out 3.3’ anyway.
Regardless, you can just fully inflate once you reach the surface 3 minutes later.
The comments about getting in/out from a properly adjusted harness being easy is spot on, and you know what’s funny about this, working on dive boats we see all the time, people getting in and out of their adjustable jacket style BC and never remember to loosen the shoulder straps lol, which ends up being tighter than a properly adjusted continuous harness.
I can tell you that it likely would not be accepted in t1 and c1 and does not meet the standards as outlined in appendix a of the GUE Standards 9.2.

In fundies I think their is a greater likelihood to role with it.

What is your highest level of GUE certification?

Funny how all the GUE peeps seem to say it’s not needed.

Do you skip read? Didn't you read that I said:
All the OP asked was if the BC he wants to buy is acceptable for the Fundies course. He NEVER asked if people here liked it or not or what they thought of it, yet most of the "opinions" have nothing to do with his question and don't address his need.

No one answered his actual question until now. Pages of opinionated posts about what people think of the BC and answering questions that were never asked and not related to the OP's specific, simple and precise question.

His question could have been answered in one or two sentences in one post, yet we have almost 100 posts that are almost all have nothing to do with his actual question.
The comments about getting in/out from a properly adjusted harness being easy is spot on, and you know what’s funny about this, working on dive boats we see all the time, people getting in and out of their adjustable jacket style BC and never remember to loosen the shoulder straps lol, which ends up being tighter than a properly adjusted continuous harness.

Lol Im guilty of that. I end up sitting on the boat talking to a buddy and then am like “wtf, why is this so hard to get out of?”

Oh its cinched down. Lol
Do you skip read? Didn't you read that I said:

No one answered his actual question until now. Pages of opinionated posts about what people think of the BC and answering questions that were never asked and not related to the OP's specific, simple and precise question.

His question could have been in one or two sentences in one post, yet we have almost 100 posts that are almost all have nothing to do with his actual question.

Funny. Question still stands though what is your highest level of GUE certification?
Is there anyway we can stay somewhat on topic if possible? In case people want to follow this thread for information(primarily me right now).
Clipped to shoulder Dring and secured to harness by some elastic band, or simply clipped to Dring?

No it doesn’t, when you loosen the shoulder, the extra length comes from shortening the waist strap, you’re just temporarily transferring some webbing from waist to shoulders, the overall “loop” remains the same size.
On the Scubapro version, you have the floppy ends on the shoulders that aren’t part of the “loop”, hence why they’re flopping in the wind.

Well, you just bought the steel (heavier) version, but it also comes in an aluminum (lighter) version. Between all manufacturers, you can buy plates that range from something like 1lb to 12lb, perhaps more, I don’t have those numbers memorized.

Overly ridiculous and wide, as in very visible is the primary feature you’d want in a SMB.
I’ve never tested this and don’t know if anyone ever did, but wouldn’t be surprised if a full breath on a 6’ SMB from 20ft laying flat on the surface isn’t more visible than a fully inflated skinny 3.3’, which to stand upright isn’t going to stick out 3.3’ anyway.
Regardless, you can just fully inflate once you reach the surface 3 minutes later.
Clipped to shoulder Dring and secured to the harness with an elastic band (I don't like things dangling down)

If you have extra lenght, you have loose floppy webbing ;-) Yours is on the waist mine is on the shoulder. And they are not flopping in the wind : if you do it correctly when you adjust it the first time you have only a few centimeters "flopping". If every one says that with a normal dir harness you don't need to adjust it (witch for me is not ok), imagine that I don't need so much webbing in excess.

I have also an aluminium plate, but it is too long to change, so I leave my inox plate for all the dives. I even took it to Mexico ! But normaly I have an other BCD when I travel.

And yes @Badger7 a small skiny DSMB is nice... until you want to be seen ! 1 meter DSMB, 20 centimeters in the water that leaves 80 centimeters to be seen, if there are some waves...
Clipped to shoulder Dring and secured to the harness with an elastic band (I don't like things dangling down)
Good, but that’s a bit hard to do with a system like that, at the very least it’s an inconvenience to use the system, either the sliding buckle will get in the way of securing the light and/or the light/rubber band gets in the way of operating the buckle release.

If you have extra lenght, you have loose floppy webbing ;-) Yours is on the waist mine is on the shoulder. And they are not flopping in the wind : if you do it correctly when you adjust it the first time you have only a few centimeters "flopping". If every one says that with a normal dir harness you don't need to adjust it (witch for me is not ok), imagine that I don't need so much webbing in excess.
No man, you did not understand my explanation on the difference between the 2 systems.
On the Halcyon, when you loosen the shoulder, the extra length needed to loosen the shoulder comes from the waist being shortened, after you get in, you pull the waist strap, which at this point is too short to buckle up, by pulling the waist strap you adjust both the waist and shoulder simultaneously, there’s no extra anywhere. On the Scubapro there’s extra length not being used when you cinch it down.
I’m thoroughly familiar with the Scubapro system, I dove/tested it for some time before it was released into the market.

I have also an aluminium plate, but it is too long to change, so I leave my inox plate for all the dives. I even took it to Mexico ! But normaly I have an other BCD when I travel.
Yes, it’s PITA to be swapping harness on plates, most people just end up owning different plates with its own harness, then just move the wing and STA when needed.

@Badger7 a small skiny DSMB is nice... until you want to be seen ! 1 meter DSMB, 20 centimeters in the water that leaves 80 centimeters to be seen, if there are some waves...
Exactly, it’s what I tell people, the day you really your SMB to be seen, you’d pay anything to have the most visible one.
". If every one says that with a normal dir harness you don't need to adjust it (witch for me is not ok), imagine that I don't need so much webbing in excess.
Sorry I forgot to add, I’m not discounting your struggle to get in/out a fixed harness, I’m just pointing out there are much better options than buckles on the harness, you yourself may benefit a lot from switching, you wouldn’t need the whole system either, just the plate and harness, the wing and STA would transfer over and work with it just fine.

But OP is considering buy everything now, so he might as well get the right one from the beginning.
When you say “cinch” do you mean the single tank adapter strap? If so it seems to be well regarded and I dont see a problem with it. Im wont be pursuing anything beyond fundies. I have no problem switching out to a Halcyon webbing setup to comply with fundies. I can then make a decision to see which I like better.

I appreciate all that DIR has brought to the community. I may find out that I still prefer not using the long hose setup or maybe I wont like the SP S-Tek but thats what taking the class and learning will teach me. I hate being kinda partial to SP but I like their gear and I really liked what I saw in the S-Tek pro. Also Im getting a superb deal on it over MSRP so it is more affordable than whats listed.

The picture below is the cinch system. It is a delrin plate attached to the bottom of the plate which allows the harness to be adjusted pulling on the webbing.

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