the reason for my post was just to let those
divers know that if it is a group thing they should be prepared to take care of themselves as they surface. not only being very cautious of any passing boats
since there is no flag above to keep them from crossing directly over you but also
be prepared to make yourself visible to your dive boat in the event weather does change a bit, swells etc.
Like other (non-dive) boats care about divers and their flags
, they are supposed to stay a little more than 50ft away from the flag, was it 200ft cant recall off the top of my head. Even so, if you are in a group diving with one flag between you, just keep the DM in sight, ascend up the line (not holding it, just keeping it in sight) and you have your flag protection.
AGAIN i will state, it may be a rare occurance that you dont get individual flags, but i know it has happened and so i can quite reasonably say that it isnt the case 100% of the time - as i originally stated above, it does happen, as i have also had dives where our smaller group has had a flag and so have other groups on the boats, i have been on others where its a large group following one flag. I am not as experienced on boat diving as some of you guys, purely by location, just as you guys arent as hot on the springs and caves, but i know what i have seen/how my trips have gone diving in those couple of dozen boat trips, see Kev's post - i have dove both ways from his boat. I am not saying every boat dives the way i described, but i am countering the idea that every boat dives the way idive2 and Krista state all the time, cos its not the case. Its a mixture of the two as i originally stated
Just for the record, your SI was cut short because you were under weighted and had to come back to the boat, get the proper amount of weight, and then be re-dropped. I don't bring this up as a smack down to you Simon, I just refuse to allow other readers to perceive Captain Paul on 'The Temptation' as an unsafe Captain, or one whom rushing his divers back in the water to keep a schedule. My SI was more than acceptable, as were the rest of the group. I'm sure if you re-read your post, you'll be able to appreciate why this correction was needed.
I would NEVER recommend a boat op or a Captain who would ever put any of my closes buds in harms way. Captain Paul prides himself with his ability to keep divers safe and still make sure 'WE' have an amazing dive!
As for Capt Paul, i never said he was unsafe, ran a bad boat or rushed people in any way. I will accept my dive was 5 mins delayed compared to the rest of the group due to being "underweighted" (which is strange as i used the same weight when i tried to go down that dive as i did the last time in the same config, surprised me to say the least), which was swimming back to the boat, grabbing 4# and dropping down on the bubbles again, then Jeff (i think) and myself came back up with the DM at the end of the dive - admittedly that was a little time after others came up.
BUT the big time issue to me was not leaving the dock til at least 9.30 rather than 9am as scheduled - i think that is a much larger factor and cut the potential SI by 30 mins. My short second dive was due to me being cheap and not getting two tanks of nitrox and also the self-imposed short SI, i really should have sat out longer after that first dive, but i probably wouldnt have gotten in a second dive if i had done that - my bad. I like Capt Paul, i enjoyed the dives, i want to dive with him again, that was a rare occurance that schedules were a little hurried by all involved.