Diving Couples Survey

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My wife and I met at work and were friends for a few years, we decided to get married in BVI, unfortunately she developed breast cancer and we had to reschedule for a year later after an intense year of treatment. We chartered a Sailboat for two weeks of sailing, diving and snorkeling. She did not dive other than to breath off of my regulator at the surface and lots of snorkeling. For our second anniversary we decided to go back and this time she got semi certified doing the KR and pool work before our trip. we did about 15 open water dives and she was hooked. she got fully certified when she got back. Since then we both became dive masters and will be in the April IDC. it still lights me up to see her get excited about something new and how far her diving has progressed. on our first trip she almost drown me putting my body between her and a barracuda, on our last trip we were chasing after reef sharks to get a closer look.

Another awesome story, thanks for sharing :D
My story.

A friend invited some people for a weekend of diving in Panama City. He then informed me that he had invited these people and that they were staying at my house and that I was setting up the dives. What a good friend.

Some of the people coming asked if they could bring along one of their friends who dives. I was informed she was a commercial diver and had her act together. I agreed to let her come along.

We were introduced to each other on ICQ. I entered a conservation with about eight people all typing away at once. She and I started chatting and before we realized it, it was about two in the morning and everyone else had left without us noticing.

When everyone arrived, we went to dinner, in order for her to get a feel for me and to decide if she was going to stay at this stranger’s house for the weekend. We went to one of the local seafood restaurant. Afterwards she complained that she didn't notice anything about me since she had a magnificent flounder to keep her company. I was incredibility impressed with the way she dissected her flounder. I had never seen anyone eat a fish soooo thoroughly. All that was left was a pile of sucked clean bones. Most people I know tend to pick at their fish, not her.

When we went diving, she carried her own gear, set it up, and growled at me when I reached over to help her zip her dry suit. I had never seen anyone get into a back entry dry suit and zip it up by themselves before. I've also rarely met such a capable, competent, and independent diver.

This all took place the weekend before Valentines Day and I did something I had never done before. I sent her flowers. I bought them online. You know, just a small bouquet of roses. You know, something simple and inexpensive. Nope, that's not how it worked out. I guess the florist had a cancelation on a bouquet and they decided not to waste the flowers and "bumped" up my order. I understand the bouquet was actually taller than the deliveryman. Evidently it made an impression. She was attracted to me before, now it was over the edge. We started driving back and forth between S. Fla. and Panama City on weekends till we couldn't stand that drive anymore and she moved up here to Panama City and married me.

I know the friend who started this whole weekend likes to take credit for getting her and me together, but I believe the blame should rest entirely on the shoulders of the guy who brought her along. It was our own Walter. In fact, Walter was one of the Bride's Maids at our wedding.

:rofl3: that is a great story, now, how about some pics of Walter as a Bridesmaid?? I am with Joyce :D
:rofl3: that is a great story, now, how about some pics of Walter as a Bridesmaid?? I am with Joyce :D

There are pictures, but Walter would have to approve the posting.
Hey, any lgbt couples meet on here, or just diving in general? Come on my fellow homos, represent!

Hellloooo? Do you have a diving couples story? If you know some people who are not chiming in, do what I did, pm them and tell them to share :D
Hellloooo? Do you have a diving couples story? If you know some people who are not chiming in, do what I did, pm them and tell them to share :D


Helloooooooo, just asking. What's the big deal?
she's asking if you know any people who could add to the thread. it's not a big deal, she wants to know stories.

Helloooooooo, just asking. What's the big deal?

I am a friendly straight, no big deal, just did not want to see the thread go in a direction not intended. Actually, I was hinting at others to back off in case they were thinking of responding negatively to your post :D

she's asking if you know any people who could add to the thread. it's not a big deal, she wants to know stories.

yeah, what she said, just couples diving stories please :D

I am glad I started this thread, the responses have been great, just what a cynical single needed, thanks all!
Diving was something I've always wanted to do... dive and visit Belize. So when I started dating again after a failed relationship (we never got past arguing to try something like diving ;-) I begin asking women on dates 2 questions: What's something you've always wanted to do and where is some place on the world you've always wanted to visit?

I went on two dates. First girl said the one place in "the world" she always wanted to visit was Vegas. I said, "you understand this is the 'world' we're talking about..." I have nothing against Vegas (never been there) but was looking for something a little more inspirational.

My next date said, "I've always wanted to visit Belize and learn how to SCUBA dive." We were married a year later, certified divers and have been to Cozumel, St. Croix, Kauai, and Playa. Still haven't made it to Belize but it's on our list. Oh, and yes we have a LOT more in common than just love of diving.

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