Diving Couples Survey

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Diving was something I've always wanted to do... dive and visit Belize. So when I started dating again after a failed relationship (we never got past arguing to try something like diving ;-) I begin asking women on dates 2 questions: What's something you've always wanted to do and where is some place on the world you've always wanted to visit?

I went on two dates. First girl said the one place in "the world" she always wanted to visit was Vegas. I said, "you understand this is the 'world' we're talking about..." I have nothing against Vegas (never been there) but was looking for something a little more inspirational.

My next date said, "I've always wanted to visit Belize and learn how to SCUBA dive." We were married a year later, certified divers and have been to Cozumel, St. Croix, Kauai, and Playa. Still haven't made it to Belize but it's on our list. Oh, and yes we have a LOT more in common than just love of diving.

ok, what are the odds of that?? I am guessing planets had to align or something, sounds like an awesome match:D
thanks! I had not seen this, checking it out now :D I currently utilize another term for Valentine's day, I refer to it as "Singles Awareness Day"
Singles awareness day. :wink: I like that. I will have to use that.
In observance of Single's Awareness Day:

:hijack:Conversation overheard at a bar this evening.
Men agree "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" while 80% of women are remaining single because "why buy the pig when all you want is a piece of sausage".


In observance of Single's Awareness Day:

:hijack:Conversation overheard at a bar this evening.
Men agree "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" while 80% of women are remaining single because "why buy the pig when all you want is a piece of sausage".



LOVE IT :rofl3::rofl3:
:rofl3: Wait, that makes me a pig. Fair enough, anyone wanna trade some milk for sausage?
I first met my partner when i started a job as a dive instructor in the Cook Islands. Not only did he live across the street from the dive shop i worked and lived at but he was dating the chick i was replacing! It wasn't love at first sight or anything but after about 6 months of knowing eachother casually we started kinda seeing eachother (he had broken up with the other chick by then) then ended up moving in together when we both needed a new place to stay.

At the end of my contract when it was time for me to leave the island I casually mentioned thinking about a job in Vanuatu and his response was "yeah, go there, its close i can visit!" I was pretty astounded as i didnt think we were nearly that serious and never in my wildest dreams did i expect him to leave his home and follow me. So I said sure, headed over there and 2 days later he was back with me!

2 1/2 years later we have lived in 4 countries together, he's almost finished his DM course (taught by yours truely) and life is great! He was already a diver when i met him, but believe it or not we've only actually dove about 5 - 10 times together.. hah! that should change by the end of the DM course and hopefully change a lot when we get work together elsewhere!
In observance of Single's Awareness Day:

:hijack:Conversation overheard at a bar this evening.
Men agree "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" while 80% of women are remaining single because "why buy the pig when all you want is a piece of sausage".



:rofl3::rofl3: Elena, never heard that one about pig/sausage but think is great! :rofl3:
I first met my partner when i started a job as a dive instructor in the Cook Islands. Not only did he live across the street from the dive shop i worked and lived at but he was dating the chick i was replacing! It wasn't love at first sight or anything but after about 6 months of knowing eachother casually we started kinda seeing eachother (he had broken up with the other chick by then) then ended up moving in together when we both needed a new place to stay.

At the end of my contract when it was time for me to leave the island I casually mentioned thinking about a job in Vanuatu and his response was "yeah, go there, its close i can visit!" I was pretty astounded as i didnt think we were nearly that serious and never in my wildest dreams did i expect him to leave his home and follow me. So I said sure, headed over there and 2 days later he was back with me!

2 1/2 years later we have lived in 4 countries together, he's almost finished his DM course (taught by yours truely) and life is great! He was already a diver when i met him, but believe it or not we've only actually dove about 5 - 10 times together.. hah! that should change by the end of the DM course and hopefully change a lot when we get work together elsewhere!

talk about a diving couples adventure :D if you don't mind me asking, what 4 countries? All awesome diving locales?

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