Ok, my story.....
Met hubby on Jan 2, 1991, actually he saw me, but I didn't see him. He was the brother of a guy I worked with. We finally made formal introductions a couple of days later. Our first date was to his nephew's christening, where I got to meet his entire family!!!
I knew Ed was a YMCA dive instructor, and I was always facinated with Cousteau and all that underwater stuff. A few months after dating, we made a pact. He would certify me and I would give him golf lessons, he always wanted to play. (Smart lady that I am, I DIDN'T give him the lessons, I left that up to my uncle who is a golf pro!)
In August 1991 I did my checkout dives on Bonaire. Now here it is 2010, I am a dive resort owner, along with my husband (yes, the same guy...lol), and one of the re-compression chamber nurses, living on Bonaire.
I couldn't ask for a better life.