Dive reports with beach/weather conditions

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S.Brohard Hit the water at 9:30. ESE winds on entry, on shore breeze on exit. Slight chop, incoming tide, some surge & little bit more drift algae. The drift algae is still pretty much confined to the blocks. Lots of particulate matter floating, viz was 5 - 6 ft. with a max depth of 16 ft.
Site Location: S. Brohard
Water Temp: 88*F really nice and warm shallow, a little cooler deeper
Visability: 8'
Wind direction: W torwards shore

This was my first Nitrox dive, I couldn't pass as it was free tanks/air while mine are getting visuals.... hit the water at 1800 couldn't find much as far as fossils however found tons of sand dollars both alive/dead :)
Wed, 22nd. Viz 6'-10' .. Woulda thought the viz would have gotten better through out the day with an incoming tide but it stayed about the same. Saw a pair of Spot fin Butterflies today. Lotta particles in the water, and some surge.. not bad tho.. Pic of finds on pic page.

I was going to attempt to make it to service park today, however due to time constraints we ended up diving Manasota Beach which is technically Englewood FL... however is borderline Venice.

Viz: 10'
Temp: 88*F
Depth: 18ft
Current: Outgoing (Pretty strong/hard swim back in to the beach)

A great dive, enjoyed Nitrox again did not see much as far as fossils or teeth, I am thinking I need to get out father and deeper, however due to the current the swim was already a bear.
06/25/ Saturday
830 am seas were pretty sporty this morning 2-3 ft blowing out of Sw, Vis was 15-20 feet compared to Friday 4-6 ft .. By afternoon vis was back to 6-10 feet but still clear enough to come off bottom to hunt..... By afternoon winds turned out of west but seas layed down to 1-2 feet..
06-25-11 Alhambra and Service Club

Yeah, kinda weird but the seas did flatten out a bit in the afternoon. I was concerned because as mentioned
earlier it was a bit sporty. Viz shallower was a bit less with about 4-6 at alhambra in about 18 fsw. Down
at Service Club pretty much 6 ft or so. Still very acceptable for fossiling. Above the sand before the reef was
limited viz, so really did need to get out to the rocks.

Dive 1: 20 feet 82 minutes 85 degrees
Dive 2: 17 feet 65 minutes 89 degrees
Wednesday 6/28 @ Service Club
8:30 am

Rain stayed away all morning.
I bit rough on the swim out,
calmed down for the swim back in.
Temp: 86
Depth: 16 fsw
Viz: soft bottom @ 2-4 ft
hard bottom @ 5-10 ft
Sun would have helped the viz a bit, but stayed dark and cloudy the whole trip.
Can't complain - I prayed for no rain, God delivered!

Just right for collecting...
07-02-11 Alhambra and Service Club Saturday

Viz dropped off from the previous couple weeks to about 2-4 ft earlier in the day at alhambra
and 1-2 ft at service club early afternoon. Early dive at alhambra viz was enough to do some fossiling
but second dive was not so good. I toughed it out hoping to find some teeth in the low viz but not
even a tooth to brighten up the dive. Seas were cooperative and not an issue and water temps remaining
in the lower to mid 80's.

Dive 1: 20 feet 78 minutes 82 degrees
Dive 2: 17 feet 77 minutes 85 degrees

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