Dive reports with beach/weather conditions

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Did S. Brohard this morning. Entered the water around 9:00 am. Incoming tide, water temp 86 & viz was a very nice 10 -15 ft.
Went out at Service Club today 7/22.

Water Temp - 88 degrees
Depth - 16 ft
Viz: Dive #1 - 10-15 ft
Dive #2 - 15-20 ft
There were some really nice spots out there today where the viz stayed constant at 20 ft, but there are some spots left where the sediment just sits and it dropped down to just a few feet or less.
Weather is looking nice through the weekend so the viz could actually get a bit better.
Service Club 7/23/11

Temp: 88*f
Depth: 20ft
Viz: 8-10 FT some particulate near the reefs
Waves: Light, minimal surge

Beautiful day not a lot found as far as big teeth, I did find several sand dollars (of course already dead) and a couple small teeth, but a lot bigger then I have found on the beaches..... Saw several divers some WAYYYY farther out then I.
Alhambra 7-23
water was warm, swam out from the northern most condo.
18' and worked our way in, found some nice quarter size teeth, vis was 10'
but not much current so the silt stuck around.
07-23-11 Alhambra and Service Club

Not much to add to the above, I showed the same water temps 88-89 degrees
and found the viz to be about the same at both locations. Some spots maybe 12 ft viz
and never really dropped below 6 ft or so. Topside conditions were great with flat
seas and sunshine for the day. A good day of diving and fossiling.
I did alhambra today as well. Nice conditions. Went out on a yak with a buddy. First time yak diving, it was a lot of fun. Found a 4 1/4 nearly perfect tooth and a 2" perfect one.
Dove with a few Suncoast Reef Rovers @ Service Club after the beach clean up.
Tide was outgoing, Winds light from SSW, temp 88, viz anywhere from 6-8 ft to 1 ft. In 22 fsw, lots of snot, looked like it was snowing. Made it out past the natural ledges, found mostly small teeth, I found a 1 inch hemi. Now I am pooped!:cool2:
#1 dive buddy and I dove Venice public beach today, water temp 88, viz varied from 2ft over the natural ledge to 6 ft over the blocks to 10+ past the blocks. Waves <1ft, Tide outgoing. Dive buddy was finishing up on a mapping project.
Did S. Brohard this am. Entered the water at 9:00. South wind, incoming tide, water temp 87 & viz was 6-8ft. Started off with bumpy seas but then calmed down as time progressed.
Date: 7/27
Vis: 6-8ft
Finds: 8-10 quarter sized sharks teeth, sanddollars, crab trap, fish, starfish.... and a lot of reef :)
Duration: 1:20
Temp: 87*

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