Dive reports with beach/weather conditions

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Did S.Brohard. Entered around 9:00 am. East winds, incoming tide, water temp 84 & viz, depending where you were, could drop as low as 1ft to a max of about 5ft. Max depth 17ft. The bottom has definitely been stirred up & there is a bit of particulate matter floating.
Completely agree with Kramer... (where were u...? would like to meet you/trade spots!)....

Did 3 dives ranging from Golden Beach (Service Club area) to Alhambra.... In effort to find things moved like 5 times (inshore... diveable by no boat/kayak and out where boats go... on kayak). 100 ft shift in location could mean difference between 1 ft and 6ft (on kayak or in shore). When tide came in things were better closer to shore/Alhambra area.

Swells... generally min./1ft or less. Wind (nothing major to report). When sun was out viz was better (so judge dives by weather/cloud cover).

Snot was more prevalent at Golden beach/Service Club (but finds were better). Will post pictures tomorrow.
07-04-11 Alhambra and Service Club

Viz was a bit better today then yesterday but not by a lot. I would say around 4 ft
on average, enough for fossil hunting. The sea and topside conditions were very nice
most of the day. A storm was beginning to move in by mid to late afternoon as I was
finishing my second dive. There was an afternoon high tide so I was diving the incoming
tide on my first dive and high tide on my second.

Dive 1: 21 feet 82 minutes 87 degrees
Dive 2: 19 feet 86 minutes 87 degrees
Tue - Thur Viz was around 10' but the rain finally caught up w/ us and definitely affected our viz conditions by Fri - Mon. Still,.. when the sun was out there was a good 4-6' most of the weekend threw the Holiday. Had some amazing finds over the weekend Pics on pic page.
07-06-11 Alhambra and Service Club

Viz still down a bit at both locations. Found an area at alhambra in about 17-18 ft depth with viz at
3-4 feet but when going deeper the viz actually dropped off to less than 2 ft at 19-20 ft depth.
Service club viz was maybe in the 2-3 ft range, enough for fossiling but not great.

Dive 1: 20 feet 90 minutes 86 degrees
Dive 2: 20 feet 60 minutes 86 degrees
had a customer call me today who drove down from st pete said he tried beach this morning and had "0" viz...
Not exactly a dive report! I'll move it to an appropriate thread.
I came to Venice the 9th and 10th as a b-day gift to myself to try tooth hunting for the first time. I ended up dragging my reg in the sand just to see the bottom. I couldn't read my gauges past 3-4inches. Went out of Service Club to 20'.
Did 2 tanks today 7/16, out of Service Club.

Max Depth - 20 ft.
Water Temp - 87 degrees
Viz. - Junk! Actually had up to 3 feet for a few seconds in some places on the 2nd dive, but that was quickly washed away by a slight surge. Mostly inches to a foot or 2.
Finds - Lots of great, in tact smaller teeth. In fact, I have done this dive countless times and have always found "just the smaller stuff". Anyone want to share some tips on how/where to maybe find something a bit larger, let me know.

Thanks, and happy (tooth) hunting...
Date 7/17/11
Location Service Club
Time 8:45 am
Seas flat
Winds E<5
Water Temp 88
Max depth 26'
Vis <1' -4' depending on bottom comp.
Finds 1 nice 3.5" meg, some meg frags, a nice 2 1/4" mako, 2 ear bones and the usual small stuff
07-17-11 Alhambra

Did two at Alhambra on incoming and high tide. Viz seemed pretty consistent at 3-4 feet
with it dropping off a bit while finishing second dive. The seas were quite flat kicking out
on first dive but winds picked up a bit by mid afternoon and seas were up just a bit. Found
fossil bone of some type, good size with a bit of curvature making me think possible rib bone
of some sort. Both dives were very acceptable viz for fossiling.

Dive 1: 23 feet 84 minutes 87 degrees
Dive 2: 21 feet 83 minutes 87 degrees

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