Dive reports with beach/weather conditions

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Did S. Brohard today. Entered the water around 10:30. East winds, incoming tide, slight chop on the water & a little bit of surge. Viz 10 ft. Max depth 15 ft.

Another good dive day in Venice ! Light winds from the east and very calm seas. Viz was a bit better on my earlier
dive at Alhambra but still very acceptable viz at S. Brohard. Saw a medium size loggerhead in about 18 fsw cruising
the rocky reef area off of Alhambra.

Dive 1: 19 feet 70 minutes 82degrees
Dive 2: 16 feet 82 minutes 83 degrees
6/10/11 @ 8am

Casperson Jetty 2 (Counting from the North)
Depth: Snorkeling
Visability 4-5 Feet
Wind: From East 6knts
Temp Air: 81.9 F
Temp Water: 88.9F

Catch/Find: Found about 20 sharks teeth and a couple small barbs form stingrays.... made a video using my new Gopro HD and figured all the numbers above mean little compared to the quick video I posted below of the visability/conditions..... :) Let me know if you think I am off on my report....

06/10/11 Service Club and S. Brohard

Got a late start today and had light east winds to start the day with fairly calm seas but my second
dive the winds had shifted to the WNW and the seas kicked up a bit by late afternoon. Probably 1-2 foot
breakers as I was exiting from my second dive. Viz was about 8 ft at service club and dropped to 6 ft at
s. brohard. Surge picked up a bit as the seas got a bit higher. South current in the afternoon. I did find
a seahorse clinging to some seaweed on some structure and was blending in very well as it was surging
with the seaweed. First seahorse I have spotted in the gulf in a while, made my dive !

Dive 1: 19 feet 75 minutes 83 degrees
Dive 2: 16 feet 82 minutes 83 degrees
Did S. Brohard around 9:30. In the morning winds were out of the east and water was relatively calm. By the time I came out, winds had shifted to the north west & the water was beginning to bump up. Incoming tide, water temp 80 & viz was 6 - 8 ft with a max depth of 16 ft. Think I found part of a mammoth tooth.
06/12/11 Alhambra, Service Club, S. Brohard

Got an early start today and got in three dives. Viz was very nice at Alhambra, I would say close
to 15ft in some areas. Service club the viz dropped off a bit to around 10ft. By the time I got down
to S. Brohard was at about 6ft or so. Seas were very nice all day, one footers at end of day.

Dive 1: 20 feet 94 minutes 81 degrees
Dive 2: 19 feet 71 minutes 83 degrees
Dive 3: 16 feet 65 minutes 85 degrees
Same Here.. Best viz was in the am.. 10-15' over hard bottom.. get over softer bottom watch that viz drop to about 6-8' .. by the afternoon viz was down to 6' over hard bottom. lots of teeth out there!!!!
S. Brohard 6/16/2011 @ 0830

Viz: 4 ft
Wind: NE 9mph
Water Temp: 88*

Overall pretty strong currents, poor viz, and pretty strong surge around 15-20feet depths.... not ideal diving, we went today to do some skill check offs....
Manasota Boneyard 6-16-11 Viz: 15'-20'
Strong current Lots of fish, no silt! Seas 2'-3' in
the morning, 1-2' in the afternoon. Pics on pic page.

Venice Boneyard 6-18-11 Viz 10'-15'
Current not as bad, patchy silt, Seas calm, Seas 1'-2'
in the morning calm in the afternoon. Pics on pic page.

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