Lauderdale by the Sea Dive Reports 2023

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Went to LBTS for diving today. It was the opposite of BHB yesterday, Datura Ave was empty, and there were not any other divers entering at 0825 when I entered. Wind was out of the southeast and moderating to less than 10 kts. Waves were about three feet, sea temp 73f, and visibility was 30ft with a green/blue color. Current was to the north but not particularly strong.

Though there were plenty of Man Of War Jellies, and By The Wind Sailors on the beach I did not see any while diving, then again not spending much time near the surface does not really help in a search for the same, or the Pilotfish, Man Of War Fish, and Banded Rudderfish that accompany them. Hit the first reef and headed south and slightly east until I hit the large Montastrea landmark and headed east. Crossed the sand to the second reef, headed north to the coral arch landmark. Turned west crossed the sand back to the first reef and returned to the beach. Did a REEF survey of 45 species in 60 minutes. I find 73f a little uncomfortable, even with a 5mm wetsuit, a hooded vest under the wetsuit, and a beanie hood under the hooded vest. It makes it somewhat difficult to concentrate on macro for more than a few minutes at a time. I have been taking images of the coral arch landmark for more than two decades now. Always happy to see that it has not collapsed. Unlike the pier which has another two segment which have collapsed into the water. One closer to shore hanging at 45 degree angle, and the perpendicular piece at the very end. It is definitely a hazard. Wonder if they will do something about removing the rest of it before it collapses. I am sure it must give Broward Sheriff fits, trying to keep people away.

Respectively, Coral Arch Landmark, By-The-Wind Sailor Jelly, Sand Perch, Flamingo's Tongue, and Purplemouth Moray
03-03-24 Arch1.jpg
03-03-24 Sailor.jpg
03-03-24 Sand Perch.jpg
03-03-24-Flamingos Tongue.jpg
03-03-24-Purple Mouth Moray.jpg
My friends said they met you on shore there yesterday. They ended up not diving, both agreed the exit may have been problematic.
Went to LBTS for diving this past Saturday and Sunday. There was no wind on Saturday, and just a little breezy on Sunday. Saturday there seemed to be a lot divers in the water, on Sunday not so much. Sea temp was 77f on both days, with visibility in the 40ft range, with a little haze and a touch of green color to the water.

Entered the water both days at about 0725. On Saturday, I stayed on the first reef heading south against the a north current, to drift back with the current at the halfway point. Find of the day was an Roughback Shrimp. I had only previously observed one at BHB. Did a REEF survey of 42 species in 60 minutes. On Sunday there was no current, the water was very still. Headed east to the ledge of the first reef. Turned south along the ledge. At the Montastrea waypoint, I turned east again and headed to the second reef. Once hitting the second reef turned north until hitting the arch on the sand/reef interface, and turned west towards the beach. Did a REEF survey of 52 species in 60 minutes. The friendly reverse phase Goldentail Moray was the find of the day. Respectively, Roughback Shrimp, Roughhead Blenny, Goldentail Moray, Roughhead Blenny, and Flamingos Tongue with Fingerprint Cyphoma.

04-20-24 roughback shrimp.jpg
04-20-24 roughhead blenny1.jpg
04-21-24 goldentail moray.jpg
04-21-24 roughhead blenny.jpg
04-22-24 Flamingos Tongue and Fingerprint.jpg
Went to Lauderdale By The Sea for diving this past Saturday and Sunday. There was still parking on Datura Ave when I arrived at 0645, but I decided to park a little further north. There was no parking on Datura Ave when I arrived at 0645 on Sunday, we are starting to get into BHB ridiculousness now. Granted a lot of individuals parked there are not scuba divers, they are sunrise peepers that generally clear out about a half an hour later. But if one were expecting to park there it still a pain in the butt. I parked a little further north like I did the day before. Datura was really crazy when I drove by at 1050 after my dive. The whole street is blocked with vehicles dropping off gear. I am surprised the hotel and condo that are on that street have not made an issue of it with the city.

On both days I entered the water at 0715, and exited the water at 1025. My favorite tank for this dive is a hp short steel 80. When the water is warmer like it was Saturday and Sunday, at 80f. I have no problem getting +3 hours out a tank. In the old days of coin operated parking meters, I would use bigger tanks, hp 100s. That is because the old parking meters allowed up to 4 hours to paid for. The electronic or online parking meters only allow 3 hours at a time, so no need for a bigger tank.

Visibility on Saturday was a hazy 30ft opening up to 40ft on the second reef. Visibility Sunday was 40ft on the first reef and 50feet on the second and third reef. Spent most of my time both days on the second reef. with some time underneath the pier. The pier continues to collapse into the sea piece by piece. Another section closer to shore has collapsed, and bar of the "T" at the end of the pier has collapsed. I am little surprised the city has done nothing about it, except to occasional call the sheriff to roust divers, snorkelers, and anybody else that sees it as an attraction, as opposed to seeing it as a dangerous structure. I count myself among those that see as an attraction.

I know I go on about how BHB is the number one site for species richness in the Tropical Western Atlantic on the REEF database with 478 species. Datura Ave site is fifth on the top ten list of species richness with a count of 376 species. On Saturday I believe that two observations made will put it fourth on the top ten list. The two previously unobserved species are Shy Blenny and Whitemouth Croaker. Shy Blenny was found under a small ledge, and the Whitemouth Croakers were underneath some pier debris. Another interesting observation was a Black Grouper in the 18" to 24" range on the second reef. There are always a lot spear fisherman down there, and really, there is very rarely anything worth spearing, IMHO. I was surprised to see that this fish has survived this long. It was cautious of me, but I did manage to get an image. Respectively, Spotted Cleaning Shrimp, Shy Blenny, Black Grouper, Section of Collapsed Pier.

05-11-2024  Spotted Cleaning Shrimp.jpg
05-11-2024  White Mouth Croaker.jpg
05-11-2024 Shy Blenny.jpg
05-12-2024  Black Grouper.jpg
05-12-2024 Pier Section.jpg
found this today while browsing around the internet


Pier is turning into an artificial Reef. The fallen structure has created a home for fish.
I moved down to Ft Lauderdale for a month, to check things out around here.
Dove from Datura ave today. People have told me the tides don't matter, but I dove with the aim of coming back in right before high tide anyway just in case it helps a bit.
There was one parking space open when i got there, seemed lucky.
I did a loop NE out to the second reef line, S a ways, and then NW back to shore. Kept it to 70 minutes, I had some work today keeping me from taking too much more time. Hopefully someone around here has fills by the cu ft like pura vida does up north.

visibility i would call 35ish feet, a bit cloudy but very diveable. A good sized tuna was stalking me most of the dive, which was cool. Found quite a few lobsters which surprised me, figured the obvious ones would have been snatched yesterday. then again maybe these crawled out of the deep today and grabbed the vacant real estate. On the other hand, didn't see any lionfish - i'm sure they're around?

I didn't go near the pier because the map on site says stay 300 feet clear, but then people told me ignore that. curious to learn more because i bet the pier attracts a lot of life.

there was mild surge and current but nothing disruptive or annoying. I'm getting more used to dragging a flag around with all these shore dives.

I loved the rinse area, really nice to have that since i'm staying in an airbnb with not the best facilities for gear.

Will be back soon. also i bought the reef smart guide to ft lauderdale so will see what else looks interesting
I moved down to Ft Lauderdale for a month, to check things out around here.
Dove from Datura ave today. People have told me the tides don't matter, but I dove with the aim of coming back in right before high tide anyway just in case it helps a bit.
There was one parking space open when i got there, seemed lucky.
I did a loop NE out to the second reef line, S a ways, and then NW back to shore. Kept it to 70 minutes, I had some work today keeping me from taking too much more time. Hopefully someone around here has fills by the cu ft like pura vida does up north.

visibility i would call 35ish feet, a bit cloudy but very diveable. A good sized tuna was stalking me most of the dive, which was cool. Found quite a few lobsters which surprised me, figured the obvious ones would have been snatched yesterday. then again maybe these crawled out of the deep today and grabbed the vacant real estate. On the other hand, didn't see any lionfish - i'm sure they're around?

I didn't go near the pier because the map on site says stay 300 feet clear, but then people told me ignore that. curious to learn more because i bet the pier attracts a lot of life.

there was mild surge and current but nothing disruptive or annoying. I'm getting more used to dragging a flag around with all these shore dives.

I loved the rinse area, really nice to have that since i'm staying in an airbnb with not the best facilities for gear.

Will be back soon. also i bought the reef smart guide to ft lauderdale so will see what else looks interesting
I have dove under the pier. Yes, lots of life and big tarpon. Just need to be aware that the marine patrol will ticket you if caught.
I have dove under the pier. Yes, lots of life and big tarpon. Just need to be aware that the marine patrol will ticket you if caught.
Or you could end up with a fish hook embedded in you!
Or you could end up with a fish hook embedded in you!

I have dove under the pier. Yes, lots of life and big tarpon. Just need to be aware that the marine patrol will ticket you if caught.

have you been by there lately? here are a couple photos from today. the whole pier is closed and lots of dive flags under and around it. i wonder if there will be mass ticketing at some point or is enforcement suspended until they fix and reopen the pier?


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