Dive reports with beach/weather conditions

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Alhambra July 5th

Not much wind but I guess you could say it was coming in from the west. (I think because I didn't pay it that much attention)

Surface to me seemed pretty calm 1ft maybe a little more (I suck at estimating)

Viz sucked until you got out to the blocks then it wasn't bad. I'd say 3ft to 5ft some spots were really nice.

There was a guy named Walter out but he was under when I came out so I don't know if it was the Walter from here. Seems like he was out a bit further than I was. If it's Walter from here perhaps he'll have a better dive report than I have given.
Site: Boneyard +/-
Water Temp.: Niiiiice
Viz: Not what I had hoped....doable though (didn't have a "Secchi Disk" with me) :)
Tide: Peak High
Wide: Westerly-not too bad
Surf: 1-2 foot but with swells
Drift Algae: a bunch
Other conditions: Crowded
Overall results: Someone beat me to the fossils but it was still fun.
Out with Florida West 7/5/09

Water temp 86
Dive 1@ 28' vis 4'-5'
Dive 2@ 30' vis 10'+
Slight S current

Brought this home


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You must have talked with Steve or Gene. Yes, Nancy and I made two dives at Alhambra, one in the late morning, one in the early afternoon.

No breakers at all, waves were less than a foot. Lots of Sargassum right at the shore, most places you have to wade through 7 or 8 feet. Visibility is 2 - 8 inches close to shore. It opened up to almost 3 feet at a depth of 16 ft. Water was 84° F. Nancy found two megs on the first dive, I found one. I found 176 teeth on the first dive and 138 on the second. Not ideal conditions, but close to it.
Dive off the AristaKat July 4th and 5th

Site Location (Bone Yard) :lotsalove:
Water Temp 86
Vizibility 3 - 5
Depth of 18 -20
Wind direction and strength (Southwest at 9.2 MPH)
Surf 1-2
Presence of drift algae,and weedline
Over all great day for diving :) Still cleaning shark teeth! More pictures to come!!! :shocked2:


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Even though it's not a Venice dive report, it is a local dive report. It would probably be more appropriate in the main conch forum though.
Cub and I drove all the way out to Alhamy. Just to stare at the high surf and icky seaweed everywhere. Im sure a more experienced diver would have toughed it out. But my mere 1 yr diving said no way. White caps, brisk wind from the water heavy seaweed for about 15 ft out into the water. So I guess I ll go back to bed. Yet another disappointing day.
Charter w/ Florida West 7/10/09

Seas morning 1'+ swells flattened out around noon
Wind E <5
Water temp 87
Vis 1st dive 4'-5' 2nd dive 8'-10'

brought this home


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Thank you for the post... was it a shore dive or boat (as it relates to Viz)... I am thinking of Alhambra tomorrow and would like any input on if I should make the 2 hour drive

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