Dive reports with beach/weather conditions

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6-11-09 afternoon dive.
3-4 ft viz at Alhambra blocks. 5-6 foot viz in 22'.
Viz worsened as afternoon west winds increased.
South Brohard blocks
Tide incoming and high
winds light from the SW
surf 1ft
no drift algea present
water temp 88 f
8-10 ft viz, opening up to 12-15 in spots

Great dive...shoulda been there!
Dive off the AristaKat July 12

Site Location (Bone Yard)
Water Temp 88
Vizibility 3 - 5
Depth of 18 -25
Wind direction and strength (Northwest at 10.4 MPH)
Surf 1' Am 2' by afternoon
Viz worsened as afternoon west winds increased like Wormzer stated!!

Boneyard dive with Aristakat ( same boat as Fossilebabe so I won't bother with temps). I think the first dive was closer to 2 foot vis. It was pretty bad but improved on the second dive, sometimes about 5 feet. I literally almost bumped into a gi-normis (big just doesn't fit here) loggerhead turtle. I think he was sleeping and he literally kicked sand in my face as he was taking off because I had my face 6 inches from the sand. Did I mention he was huge? I don't normally see big animals at Venice so after almost pooping myself I appreciated the experience.
Did Alhambra this morning. Very light west winds. Viz was 3 - 5 in some places & 5 - 7 in others.
Max depth - 16 ft. A little bit of drift algae but not too bad.
14 July 09
Boneyard w/ Aristakat & Capt Jamie
Winds lite from the SouthWest
Tide incoming and high
Water Temp 86 F @ 25 fsw
Viz: 1st dive 8-10 ft, 2nd dive 6 ft
2nd dive site was about 1/4 mile SE of the 1st

We were joined by Florida West' Hammerhead and two other dive boats in the general area.
Although there were no spectacular finds today, everyone found teeth including several large fragments and had a great time!
Last edited:
Alhambra on 7/16/09

4-5 viz in the morning (first dive)... by the blocks (conditions worse west of blocks)
2-3 in the afternoon ("snot bloom" rolled in)
17 July 09
Boneyard w/ Aristakat & Capt Jamie
Winds lite from the West
Tide outgoing
Water Temp 86 F @ 25 fsw
Viz: 4-6 ft

Two beautiful choc. top 4" megs found today...maybe Capt. Jamie will post pics. Great day and great dives!

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