Disaster preperations....

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But you need to guard that florescent pink wing! I gotta see that thing.....
well, becky, when you have food and water and other people want yours...that sort of thing.

remember the LA riots?

WC--just remember it is a Felony in Hawaii to have an unliscensed handgun. That's why you don't see me waving mine around.

California---a misdemeanor? No problema...rather be tried by twelve than carried by eight...or however that goes. Still, careful around here the liberals like seeing us peering through bars.

I need water I guess. the grill and the freezer would get us a long way I think.

"they can have what they want?"

what if it is you? Look what happened during Katrina. Rape was the sport of the day. I like having an option.
Now your doing it too! The media reported rape and murder at the super dome running rampant. The truth was 1 murdedr and two rapes I believe. Still, we have a need and a right to protect ourselves, our families and our belongings.
The headaches and hastles of hand guns here are why Im leaning twards a new shotgon.
Water? Now where could Catherine get water? Maybe you could dig a big hole in your yard, line it with cement and fill it with water? LOL
Water is easy realy, a clean bucket under the down spout or a tarp hooked to the edge of the roof to make a water trap.
Ah yes, teh LA riots. When thousands of Calis went to teh gun stors to buy a gun to protect them selves becouse the police couldn't only to find they had to wait two weeks!
Life member NRA BTW
ha ha...big surprise there! You and the NRA. Soldier of Fortune too, I suppose?

Oh..please TWO rapes? there are more than that in New Orleans on a good day. Don't beleive it...the news is not reliable.

Seriously though, this is not a violent culture. The only violence we have here is domestic abuse and a few crack heads. Mostly we have cowardly little petty thieves and that's it.
SOF is for yahoos, Lightfighter Baby! Oh ya, and AR15.com
Well, in Sunday's case, I didn't have food or water. And if I did, I probably would not protect it with a gun. My safety, maybe. But I won't get a gun on the small risk (Catherine - you've SEEN me!) of bodily harm to myself. As I said, if I had children to protect, maybe a different story.
hmmm, yea, it is not the greatest idea if you aren't into it....

I only am for it if the risk is real.

Brian, are you suggesting the kids drink pool water?
Sure, why not? It might even keep them from peeing in there if they think they may have to drink it! LOL

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