Heh, the rule that keeps the peace around these parts is: Thou shall not touch, modify, covet, or buy dive gear for the other. (Although she did swipe my reel and won't give it back)I consider dive Tshirts a part of our dive gear and would never dare buy one for her without checking first. I might end up getting the wrong cut or color, then I'd really be in trouble.
sounds like a man who's learned from past experience

Although ya think she could have given you the heads up "john's about to send off the order, did you get you dimwit request in?".
Course, maybe everytime she said dimwit you thought she was just callin' you names again and ignored her

I think after these are seen around Texas at Travis,CSSP, and other mud holes, we will see enough interest for another order soon. I wouldn't mind getting one for my Dad after I see how they fit.