Garrobo, it is clear that you have your opinion about this, however controversial it may be, and that you are unwilling to accept the evidence and reasonings you have been provided in this thread by others in support of their argument/s.
It appears you are looking for evidence, presumably from scientists, and yet when a scientist (Dr. Bill) does provide you with the information you draw his credentials into question. If recognized academic qualifications, historical peer recognition, and 40 years of first hand experience and dedicated study of marine ecology is not sufficient for you to consider someone an authority on a subject, then what is?
Your posts in this thread have been, as they have been in others before, at best inflammatory, goading, and disrespectful. It is therefore not surprising that your contributions have been met with scorn. If you really do wish to debate your point of view and receive respectful responses to your posts, then I suggest you start by moderating the abrasive tone of your posts. Also, if you insist on demonstrating your unwillingness to concede that other's points' of view or arguments have merit, even in the face of reasonable premises and evidence, then you are by definition a POV warrior and as per the TOS classified under the category of a Troll. You should be aware that your responses and statements put you in this category and therefore you should not be accusing others of making such ad hominem statements against you; e.g. by calling you a Troll, even though you have seen it perfectly acceptable to do so yourself.
Please, let us now either get back on topic with respectful conversation and debate in this thread, or keep quiet. So we avoid further aggravation.
It appears you are looking for evidence, presumably from scientists, and yet when a scientist (Dr. Bill) does provide you with the information you draw his credentials into question. If recognized academic qualifications, historical peer recognition, and 40 years of first hand experience and dedicated study of marine ecology is not sufficient for you to consider someone an authority on a subject, then what is?
Your posts in this thread have been, as they have been in others before, at best inflammatory, goading, and disrespectful. It is therefore not surprising that your contributions have been met with scorn. If you really do wish to debate your point of view and receive respectful responses to your posts, then I suggest you start by moderating the abrasive tone of your posts. Also, if you insist on demonstrating your unwillingness to concede that other's points' of view or arguments have merit, even in the face of reasonable premises and evidence, then you are by definition a POV warrior and as per the TOS classified under the category of a Troll. You should be aware that your responses and statements put you in this category and therefore you should not be accusing others of making such ad hominem statements against you; e.g. by calling you a Troll, even though you have seen it perfectly acceptable to do so yourself.
Please, let us now either get back on topic with respectful conversation and debate in this thread, or keep quiet. So we avoid further aggravation.