driftin' by
DandyDon:Driftin' by - would you lke to name that poor exucse for a dive Op...?
Whoa, whoa whoa guys! Let's not go and crucify my dive op.
TheRedHead:driftin' by, spearing fishing and chum in the Marine Park is illegal. Who did you dive with and why did you chose them?
It was NOT the DM of my chosen dive op chumming or spear fishing.... It was another DM leading another group that we just happen to cross paths with at depth. Also it wasn't a spear gun he had... it looked like just a metal rod for prodding fish out of their homes I guess? But I'm not defending that... I was disgusted when I saw it and if I wasn't already close to my NDL, I would have descended to take it away from him.
For the issue of having my Cobra pointed out by the DM, according to other posts on this tread that seems to happen frequently. I wasn't phased by it because like I said earlier, "ain't nobody going to talk me into doing something I'm uncomfortable with, unsafe or nonsensical".
I guess for the other items I mentioned, I just wish the DM's were not so eager to please and the had the balls to tell someone they're not diving when there is a potential risk. The last thing they wanna do is spoil the fun and tell you that you cannot do something. Also, like you said Don about them being macho down there... it must be something in the Cerveza? I imagine after leading divers for 10, 20 or even 30 years can make you a bit insensitive to the fact that diving can kill you. The other side of that coin is that other divers shouldn't be so eager to dive and impressionable and take the suggestions of a DM or anyone else as in the case of the last-second equipment configuration. It just makes me nervous when you combine easily impressionable people with overly suggestive ones. I think in general this is a rare occurrence or someone with some sense steps in and saves the day. I've always known that the attitude regarding and diving situations down there is "Esta bien" and that you've gotta look out for your own because no one is is going to.
My dive op was Papa Hogs and I think they did a terrific job as did the DM's we had and I'll definitely use them when I return. I can't blame them for not knowing people were not using a computer or their tables nor can I blame them for not knowing someone lost their mouth piece or was holding onto their hockey puck computer. I only hold the DM responsible for making suggestions that were risky but that is no different then anything else I've ever experienced down there. I also hold divers responsible... both those that are willing to dive at all costs and will tempt fate and those that sit on the sideline and watch wrongdoings. I'm responsible because there were opportunities for me as a responsible diver and rescue diver (not that that really matters but I do find myself more aware of potential hazards but I think that has more to do with experience) to step in and remedy a potentially hazardous situation. However there were times that I did as in the case of the kid loosing his mouthpiece with was actually with Dive Palancar. I told the DM that the kid should not be allowed to dive mainly because he slammed me into the reef as I was trying to photograph a splendid toadfish that I found on my own but I also mentioned the mouth piece incident too. If you get bent because of your own stupidity, well then.... I don't know, I don't like wishing bad things onto people but if you do, hopefully you'll learn your lesson.
I just can't hold my chosen dive op responsible and I hope no one else does either. It just seems like there are far too many liberties being taken these days and it's all because of TV.