Coz restaurants not open in October

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Outweighed you by 100 lbs?!!! Man this guy matched the "stereotype" in every way, didn't he? LOL

Weight issues aside, I applaud you for your restraint though because you're right--even if you would have defended the waiter, you would have become just another loud gringo causing a scene if you sank to that guy's level. What a shame people have to act that way.....
here in Coz not too long ago. Actually, I could tell you many stories about the mortifying behavior I see every day from tourists, but I'll just share this one for now.

I was at a restaurant back in town, more of a local establishment...not a touristy place by any means. This guy obviously WAS a tourist and probably heard about the place from his divemaster or someone.

He was speaking LOUD and that makes someone that doesn't speak the language understand any better. He asked the waiter (in English) "D-O Y-O-U S-P-E-A-K A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N?" The waiter replied "Un poco" (just a little). The ugly American said...W-E-L-L J-U-S-T T-R-Y! And he proceeded to order...I hope he didn't get what he asked for :mean:

OK, I was mortified! First of all, our language is English, not American. Second of all, they are not dumb or stupid, so speaking loud and slow just makes the one doing it look like an idiot. I just sat there embarrassed for him and embarrassed to be a gringa at that moment.

Then, he was talkg to the people at his table like a big shot know-it all, saying stuff like..."These Mexicans are just lazy and stupid, I'm glad I don't have to put up with this sh-- everyday." I culdn't let that one go.

I walked over to the table and politely introduced myself. I asked them if they were having a good time on the island, etc. Then, still in a polite voice, but firm, I looked at the guy and said: "Now that we have established that you are having a good time and you love the island, why don't you show a little more respect for the people here? They are not lazy, they are not stupid, and speaking loud and slow only makes you look like the stupid one. If you cannot adjust to different cultures and lifestyles, then I suggest you stay at home...this is not the place for your arrogant attitude. Here in MEXICO, the native language is SPANISH...not "AMERICAN." If you really can't handle experienceing something different, then I'm sure the waiters at TGI Friday's at the cruise ship pier speak "American."

His jaw just dropped. His friends were laughing and he just glared at me. I smiled and walked away. The waiter later asked me what was going on (in Spanish) and I explained it to him...he thanked me and just laughed! I go to that restaurant all the time now and they are great...but I'm not going to post it on the board for another ugly gringo/a to patronize. If you want the name of the place and the location, e-mail me and I'll be glad to tell you where it is.
You go Christi! That took real guts but I know you felt really good afterwards.

My wife and I love MX though we don't speak much spanish. Just enough to get by. I can't stand it when others make such a**'s out of themselves when they don't seem to get their way or they are just having a bad day. We have all been there but don't need to treat the locals as though they are only there for our benefit.

If you would share some of your local restaurant lists we would love to try new places. Some of the real fun of going to Coz in our minds. We still love El Morro but the "crowds" have found it and it's just not the same........However Ray is still there and takes care of us.

Plesae PM with some of those choices if you would.

Thanks Christi
Christi ..... I entirely agree! I've been treated wonderfully and not so wonderfully right here in the good old USA. And I've witnessed some of the "ugliest Americans" last time I was in Cozumel. The behavior was outright embarrassing! If we could just keep a few of the worst culprits in the states, maybe we would be better treated on the islands, or many foreign countries. (Of course these same people complain whenever they travel in the states as well, I'm sure!) Even though I've run into a few surly taxidrivers in Cozumel, and a few Timeshare guys I could have whacked, primarily the people have been very friendly, very welcoming, and very fair with pricing.

We really appreciate all the wonderful people in Cozumel (and can't wait to get back there for a visit in December!!)
I applaud you for having the guts to say something to that guy--someone sure needed to! The locals are too polite to say anything because they know they won't get paid or tipped and they don't want to cause a scene, so it's up to us Americans to call these jerks on their obnoxious behavior!

Christi I hope we can meet up and you can share more of these stories when I"m down there in 37 days! :)

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