Coz restaurants not open in October

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Poncho's Backyard is open...but spending time at ground zero of the cruise ship mall is not my idea of a good time in Cozumel.
Rwhiting once bubbled...
Poncho's Backyard is open...but spending time at ground zero of the cruise ship mall is not my idea of a good time in Cozumel.

Ahhh, I do remember the cruise ship hour now. That did suck. But when there not in port it's fun.
CincyBengalsFan once bubbled...

I hope your kidding. I loved that place. It's been 8 yrs. since I've been there though. What's happened? I mean, that's where Gary Hart got caught with the chicky. What's not to like?

Eight years ago, Carlos n' Charlie's was a quaint, rustic, loud little rough-and-tumble bar upstairs from the drag where you could go grab a cheap beer and bump shoulders with other exuberant vacationers. They had indoor volleyball, wood floors with a 2 inch layer of peanut shells, and the ceiling covered in signed T shirts.

Now it has gone "upscale" and moved into the abomination of a cruise ship dockside mall (Puta Langosta), where it has all the atmosphere of a fake Caribbean mall bar in Wisconsin (nothing against Wisconsin, BTW). You can get a beer for four bucks or a margarita for eight, and you stand an excellent chance of being thrown up upon by one of the hordes of cruseros[/i[ that infest the place.

It is not even remotely the place you remember.
ggunn once bubbled...

Eight years ago, Carlos n' Charlie's was a quaint, rustic, loud little rough-and-tumble bar upstairs from the drag where you could go grab a cheap beer and bump shoulders with other exuberant vacationers. They had indoor volleyball, wood floors with a 2 inch layer of peanut shells, and the ceiling covered in signed T shirts.

Now it has gone "upscale" and moved into the abomination of a cruise ship dockside mall (Puta Langosta), where it has all the atmosphere of a fake Caribbean mall bar in Wisconsin (nothing against Wisconsin, BTW). You can get a beer for four bucks or a margarita for eight, and you stand an excellent chance of being thrown up upon by one of the hordes of cruseros[/i[ that infest the place.

It is not even remotely the place you remember.

Man, that is such ashame. I loved the Old Carlos & Charlies you referred too. That's the one I remember.

I see you live in Austin. I spent some time in Austin and dove Lake Travis and Windy Point I think. I LOVE TEXAS and AUSTIN! If I remember right with my 3 weeks stay in Austin is that there is a Carlos & Charlies on Lake Travis.

I took my IDC thru the President of PADI down in Lago Vista outside Austin. Back then the IDC with the IE was 3 weeks long. Now I think they can get you thru in a week or less at most IDC schools I read about it. The real sad thing is that I payed $900.00 for 3 weeks worth of education and that's what they pay now or even more for 1 week worth of education.
They are just closed on Sunday's and Monday's.

Most restaurants are open now or will be at the beginning of November. The island is actually not all that slow right now!

GBrandon...the island is traditioanlly slow frm August through's called LOW SEASON and it is also Hurricane season, so alot of people don't want to travel in the caribbean during this has nothing to do with prices! November through May are balls to the walls here if I may be so blunt.

I find your comments about Mexico offensive and unsubstantiated. If you would like to provide examples, then your credibility may be worth something. But blanket statements about the entire country are juvenile and mean nothing. Based on your attitude here, I wouldn't be surprised at all if your experiences in Mexico are the result of your attitude towards the people you came into contact with.

Keep in mind that Cozumel is an island. Things are more expensive here for several reasons and EVERYONE is not trying to "screw you." Nothing is produced here, EVERYTHING is imported, so the prices are naturally higher and not everyone here works on a barter system like many obnoxious tourists expect. People here are also not stupid, and they deserve to be respected.

I see embarrassing behavior by American tourists everyday because they expect everyone to bow down to them because they are AMERICANS and they show nothing but disrespect for the people, culture and life here. I am an American, but I respect the culture and the people here. In turn, I am treated with respect.

If you are a seasoned traveler as you claim to be (by the way, I have actually lived in several places around the world, and the people here are by far the warmest and most honest I have ancountered), then you understand differing cultures and would respect them as such.

Until you have something to substantiate nasty blanket comments like you made, please rerain from them.

Stepping off my soapbox now!

I have to go with Christi on this one. We always travel to Coz in May or Sept/Oct so we don't have to deal with the crowds. American divers will never quite flocking to Coz. It's a wonderful place to dive and vacation. I have not experienced Mexico other than Cancun about 20 years ago and several Bass Fishing trips to Lake Gurrero and Lake Tampico. The people in Mexico for the most part are very friendly if you act the same. You start puffing out your chest, raising your voice and the like and you will be ignored.......rightfully so. Get off your.....I am a superior AMERICAN......kiss my a** becuase I am a rich AMERICAN. That won't get you anywhere.........anywhere.

Just my .02 worth
I just try to be a chameleon. I want to enjoy the culture and bask in the environment. If I wanted attention on me I would join the circus. Best travel advice I ever heard of was this, "shut up and blend in." I was in Morocco and being chased by 30 or so knife salesmen, running through back allys and such. It was a very interesting trip.

People that go to foriegn countries and expect the people to pay them SPECIAL attention usually get means of a knife in the neck and being stuffed in a hole somewhere (not to insinuate that that would happen in Coz)
USMC Diver once bubbled...
I just try to be a chameleon. I want to enjoy the culture and bask in the environment. If I wanted attention on me I would join the circus. Best travel advice I ever heard of was this, "shut up and blend in." I was in Morocco and being chased by 30 or so knife salesmen, running through back allys and such. It was a very interesting trip.

People that go to foriegn countries and expect the people to pay them SPECIAL attention usually get means of a knife in the neck and being stuffed in a hole somewhere (not to insinuate that that would happen in Coz)

My "favorite" example of how not to behave abroad is something that happened while I was living in Peru:

There was this stereotypical Texan (boots, hat, giant belt buckle) who sat down at a table in a sidewalk cafe in Lima, complete with his similarly garbed wife, mom (or mom-in-law), and son. I was sharing a nearby table with an Aussie friend of mine.

Soon thereafter, I heard a commotion from their direction, and I looked over to see him holding a diminutive Peruvian waiter by the lapel and bellowing in his face, "VAN-nilla! VAN-nilla! What's the matter, boy, don't you speak English?"

The sardonic expression on my friend's face spoke volumes. I just wanted to crawl under the table.
Well speaking as a fellow Texan, I would have been mortified as well and probably would have gone over and kicked that moron right in the "belt buckle"! LOL

It's sad that so many American tourists seem to share this attitude. They go to another country with that "holier than thou" attitude and expect everyone to bow to them and cater to their every whim. What's sad is when you see the locals actually putting up with bad behavior and rudeness because they know if they don't they won't get paid or tipped. These tourists have the "tourist is always right no matter what" attitude. If everything isn't perfect or up to American standards, they complain about what a dump the hotel was or the bad service that took forever or the food that "tasted weird". There's a lot of ignorance and arrogance out there...I wish idiots like this Texan you mention and all the others like him would just STAY HOME and stop making the rest of us look bad!
cxg31s once bubbled...
Well speaking as a fellow Texan, I would have been mortified as well and probably would have gone over and kicked that moron right in the "belt buckle"! LOL

Two things stopped me:

1) Two wrongs != a right; starting a big commotion, possibly violent, in a public place, between two obvious gringos wouldn't have done much in a positive way to influence the typical Peruano's attitude toward the Norteamericanos visiting his homeland.

2) He easily outweighed me by 100 lbs.

I'll leave it to you to decide which was the more significant deterrent. ;^)

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