Canada Voted Worst State in U.S.

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Will add one more point... I've never even considered saying "Love it or leave it" (or something similar) to a Republican. Wonder why that phrase seems to be one-sided in its use?

I guess I've just been out of the water too long... won't get back in til after this coming weekend. Oh the pain of dry gills.

Dr. Bill
Don't quote me on this but I hear that more than 50% of Americans cannot find the US on a globe... and a lot think that Australia is a country in Europe.
I'm actually surprised that this thread is still active. Ever since just before the Iraq war broke out (back when all the drum beating was going on) Scubaboard really clamped down on political discussion. We haven't been able to talk about this kind of stuff since. I'm glad to see it's back but I've got a feeling it won't last.
You're right, ya'll been warned.
I am old enough to have gone through the Cuban missile crisis, the Vietnam War, the Nixon presidency and Watergate, the Reagan presidency and Iran-Contra, and now the B-C and Iraq. To be fair I went through the Carter presidency and Iran and the Clinton presidency and Monica.

During the Vietnam era protestors were told "America, Love it or Leave It." It is interesting to see that even one of the architects of that war, Robert McNamara, has acknowledged that much of the protest was based on a more realistic understanding of the events.

I have spent more decades than many of you have been alive doing what I could to make this country live up to its great potential. I have been an educator, an environmentalist, a scientist and a political protestor. Please do not try to tell me I haven't spent much of a lifetime trying to DO something about things here.

Give it a few years, or maybe a few decades since many records have been questionably sealed... I think you will find the truth is not what you think it is.

With respect for the personal opinions of others, but don't ever tell me to get out of this country! I'll leave when I'm ready.

Dr. Bill
Thank you! Too many people confuse loyalty with not asking any questions.
There are ignorant people everywhere. Unfortunately, Americans are held up to the world's ridicule. A buddy of mine from Florida was in college and his roommate was a Canadian. Every once in awhile, the Canuck would rib him about wrestling alligators, and he would rib the Canuck back about having sled-dogs and living in an igloo. It was all in good fun, or so he thought. One evening, his roommate invited him over to another Canadian's room. When he walked in, both of them started in by saying, "What's this crap about us having sled dogs and living in igloos?" My buddy said, "What? WHAT?? Do you honestly think I wrestle alligators?! What the hell is WRONG with you?!" He said that they were honestly pissed-off, so he just rolled his eyes and walked out. LOL
Wow! I had no idea 18% of those asked in the poll voted Oklahoma City as the 2nd worst state next to #1 Canada.
I live pretty close to OKC, so it is time to move before the property values go down!
Oh wait... i am already out of state.
Regards all!

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