We had a trip planned to Spain.Well, we had planned a trip during Easter. A rather expensive one. If we had cancelled the trip before the official advice not to travel was out, the whole cost would've been on us. And I want to believe that we weren't the only ones who didn't quite realize the seriousness of the situation just some 5-7 weeks ago. It was only a few days before the national lockdown that the official advice changed to "do not travel abroad". We decided to cancel our vacation about a week before the official advice changed, and it was quite a bit of a relief when the advice was changed because that meant that our travel insurance would cover the loss.
But if you won't se the writing on the wall after the warning came out, you're on your own. Your decision, your risk. Own it.
We were supposed to fly out 2 hours before the US imposed vague unclear rules for travel back into the US after travel abroad.
The airline (non US carrier) attempted to refuse our refund because the flight had left and if we landed and had to come back immediately they would have booked us a return flight no problem.
It made me laugh, until I realized she was serious. So I called Amex and they disputed the charge for all our flights.
It also made me realize how happy I would be to see some of these companies go under.