Canada Voted Worst State in U.S.

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Hey ya'll, listen up. While there is some passionate debating going on, please remember that this is a SCUBA diving board, and political debate is better left on boards that cater to that subject.
Please lets let our differences remain courteous, and try to understand where the other person is coming from.
Hey ya'll, listen up. While there is some passionate debating going on, please remember that this is a SCUBA diving board, and political debate is better left on boards that cater to that subject.
Please lets let our differences remain courteous, and try to understand where the other person is coming from.

However, as was noted:

NO, Dr. Bill
Not shame on me. Shame on those people that complain, complain, complain and yet do nothing. If you are not happy here, do something about it, or leave. Please go find happiness someplace else.
I knew a woman from South Africa and she always was saying how much better the South Africans had it, the standard of living, the education, everything. She was so quick to point out all the failures of the United States. I often told her to go back if she was so miserable here, but she always came up with an excuse why she had to stay.
Same way with living down here. Its hot. Its humid. If you don't like hot, humid weather, go someplace else. Quit Complaining.
Get real guys. The real joke is on the ones who actually bought this story in the first place. It was truly unbelievable. :jpshakehe

It was originally published in a joke news rag from University of Michigan. It’s just one of several “hilarious” writings they’ve kicked out. How rumors get started . . .

If you bought it, don’t feel too bad, people want to believe a story like this without even verifying it. It’s because the world is and will be laughing at the US for quite some time now so get used to it.

But complain all you want about whatever you want because a lot of soldiers have bit it defending our right to do just that. :42:


Whoa, too much seriousness. Time to get back to the party :partytime :cheers:
Get real guys. The real joke is on the ones who actually bought this story in the first place. It was truly unbelievable. :jpshakehe

It’s because the world is and will be laughing at the US for quite some time now so get used to it.

But complain all you want about whatever you want because a lot of soldiers have bought it defending our right to do just that. :42:


Whoa, too much seriousness. Time to get back to the party :partytime :cheers:


You are right. It is a joke. Most people recognize that. It led, however, to some serious comments that needed to be addressed.

You are wrong, however, about the world "laughing" at us. Given my job, I travel the world a lot. I can assure you that they take the world's most powerful nation very seriously. Except for a small group of Islamo-fascists, the ordinary citizen does not hate us, but they do take us very, very seriously.

But you are right. Enough seriousness. Back to the party. Abbott Ale for everyone!

Hey ya'll, listen up. While there is some passionate debating going on, please remember that this is a SCUBA diving board, and political debate is better left on boards that cater to that subject.

well said Scuba-jenny, but I have to add a joke I recently heard in response to the comment "if you don't like the US then go elsewhere" - reply " what? and then be a victim of the US foreign policy???"
BigJetDriver69- I certainly respect your service in Vietnam, and that of the men and women in Iraq and elsewhere now. I have no bone to pick with those who are willing to risk their life for our country, only the government(s) that put them in that position for questionable reasons.

However Scuba_Jenny is correct that this should not devolve into more political discussion. I respect her opinion on that and will close with "let's go diving" (since we can ALL agree on that one).

Dr. Bill
Jeez folks - this was posted in the HUMOUR section.

Why do people have to take things so seriously here? Sure there's lots of things to get worked up over, but stuff posted on a scuba message board is not one of them.

I think I'll go hang out in the OFWF forum where they know what's imporant. :wink:

BigJetDriver69- I certainly respect your service in Vietnam, and that of the men and women in Iraq and elsewhere now. I have no bone to pick with those who are willing to risk their life for our country, only the government(s) that put them in that position for questionable reasons.

However Scuba_Jenny is correct that this should not devolve into more political discussion. I respect her opinion on that and will close with "let's go diving" (since we can ALL agree on that one).

Dr. Bill

Amen to that, sir! Hope to have a chance to dive with you someday! Have a good one!

FLL Diver:
Canada Voted Worst State in U.S.

A recent Gallup poll shows that Americans think Canada is the worst state in the U.S. The poll, given to a random sampling of 4,000 Americans across the country, asked the participants to write in their vote for the state they think is, among other categories, "Best," "Worst," "Ugliest," "Rednecky-est," and "Most Likely to Succeed after Graduation."

Bill McNeil of Gary, Indiana was one of the participants in the poll. "There's just something un-American about them Canadians," he says. "They talk kind of weird, they're too damn polite, their cities are clean and free of crime, they use this funny-colored money that ain't worth no more than Monopoly money. Hell, they already act like they're living in a separate country. I say, boot 'em out!"

Jack Spleenum, who conducted the poll, says that the findings bucked many earlier trends. Among some of the other results of the poll, Wyoming was voted "Best State in which to be a Buffalo," California was voted "State Most Resembling California," and South Dakota was voted "Ugliest," but also captured the "Congeniality" prize, which Spleenum maintains is "is a prestigious and important honor if you're too ugly to win the important prizes."

But, Spleenum says, "the real cream filling in this Ding-Dong of information is Canada. Over 65% of those polled selected it as the worst state. It trounced the next closest, which was Oklahoma City with 18%."

The governor of Canada could not be reached for comment.



You know in 1984 I travelled with a band in California. We were playing in Disneyland and made some recordings while we were down there. Somewhere in our travels we connected up with a high-school teacher from Santa Rosa and she invited us to play at her school and talk to her students (nobody from Santa Rosa had ever seen a real live Canadian before apparently). So we did. We played at their school and then the students were asking us questions and we would answer them. One of the students (and this is a true story) asked us with a perfectly straight face if we had roads in Canada. I was fielding the question and answered with the obvious .... HUH? .... to which he said " you have cars then?". I thought he was joking so I said "well....I knew what a car looked like from the TV but everyone I know has a skidoo." Then when he just thanked me and sat down it dawned on me that it wasn't a joke... :11: Either that or his joke was better than mine.


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